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ASQA - Course Accreditation

ASQA gives accreditation to courses that may be delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs). Accreditation with ASQA ensures that courses are nationally recognised and meet an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need.

Interpreting Quality Indicator Data

ACER’s website link to an AQTF 2007 guide on ‘Interpreting Quality Indicator data’

Webinar Recording: Enrolment: Entry requirements & students support needs

Recorded on 18/06/2019 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Administration, this webinar looked at the important requirements associated with ensuring appropriate information is both provided and gathered, at enrolment so that quality training and assessment can be conducted and reflects the experience and needs of an individual.

VelgCast: Credit Transfer 2 - Gathering Evidence

This Velg Cast looks at gathering essential evidence for the purpose of credit transfer and is the 2nd in a two part VelgCast series on credit transfer. For Part 1 see VelgCast Unpacking Credit Transfer.

Productivity Commission: 5 Year Productivity Inquiry: Australia's data and digital dividend (2022)

The Productivity Inquiry focuses on the enablers of productivity growth in a modern, market-based, service-oriented world. The second interim report explores how digital technology and data can be used to improve Australia’s productivity.

VelgCast: Developing Structured Activity Tools - 2 Case Study

This is the second of a four-part VelgCast series on developing structured activity tools. This VelgCast focuses specifically on the activity known as 'Case Study'.

Webinar Recording: Self-Assuring in Practice – Easy Peasey!

Recorded on 29/03/2023 this is the second webinar of the Self Assurance Series and was dedicated to unpacking Self Assurance practices. Explore ‘hands-on’ examples of how an RTO can enhance its existing practices and/or introduce new ones to enable self-assurance.

ASQA: Training Provider Briefings 2019 - Presentation Slides (pdf)

Access a pdf copy of ASQA's 2019 Training Provider Briefings Presentation Slides here.

Webinar Recording: Pursuing Management Excellence: Integrating coaching conversations

Recorded on the 5/10/2022 this webinar drew on the on the 70-20-10 model for learning and development, Influence Digest's #3 coach in Sydney in 2021, Marianne Bateup, guided attendees on on how to integrate coaching conversations to complement, bolster, and embed training, learning, and growth.

Jobs Queensland: Apprenticeship, women and workplace culture: A literature review (2022)

The Queensland Training Ombudsman (QTO) undertook a review of the support measures available to apprentices and trainees in Queensland and specifically the support for female apprentices and trainees in male dominated occupations.

ASQA: Application for course accreditation (initial or renewal)

ASQA form for: Application for course accreditation (initial or renewal)

OECD - Skills (site link)

The OECD helps countries to improve skills governance and the design of both VET programmes and adult learning systems that are responsive to changing skill needs. It supports policymakers through better evidence on the skills of adults and employer needs as well as through advice on good policy practices.

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