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Assessing with ePortfolios

Although produced by a university (UNSW), this website provides useful information on what ePortfolios are, when to use them, the benefits, the challenges and relevant strategies.

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements) Instrument 2020

Australian Government, Federal Register of Legislation Link to Data Provision Requirements 2020

TAC: TAC Talk - Ep16 - Complying with relevant legal requirements

Episode 16 of TAC Talk Shorts navigates the often-complex legal territory for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). This concise 5-minute podcast unpacks Clauses 8.5 and 8.6 of the RTO Standards 2015, ensuring your operations stay compliant and informed.

National Skills Taxonomy Discussion Paper (2024)

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released the National Skills Taxonomy (NST) Discussion Paper, a step forward in the development of a new national skills taxonomy. The NST will replace the existing Australian Skills Classification (ASC), offering a more comprehensive and dynamic approach to categorising and organising skills across Australia. The ASC will remain available for users until the NST is developed.

ASQA: Strategic review of online learning - final report (2023)

The Strategic Review of Online Learning in the VET sector is identified as a regulatory risk priority in ASQA’s Regulatory Strategy 2020-22 and in the 2021-22 Regulatory Risk Priorities. ASQA uses a risk-based approach to determine the most significant risks to achieving ASQA’s purpose, which is to ensure quality VET and the integrity of national qualifications issued by training providers.

Government of South Australia: VET for school students - repositioning VET within secondary education (2019)

The release of this Vocational Education and Training for School Students policy marks a significant step towards repositioning VET as an equally valued and prestigious pathway option alongside university education.

ASQA: FAQs - Trainer and assessor requirements

ASQA link to Trainer and Assessor requirements - Frequently Asked Questions.

Basic Marketing and Advertising Checklist example template

A template example of a basic checklist that could be used prior to publishing marketing

ASQA: Standard 10.5 – Australian Qualifications Framework levels

ASQA link to information about volume of learning from the Users’ guide to Standards for VET Accredited Courses .

VelgCast: Managing scope of registration and transition arrangements

An overview of managing scope of registration and transition arrangements

TAC (WA) - Professional Development Recordings and Resources

This page provides access to TAC's professional development sessions delivered across 2019.

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