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VelgCast: Credit Transfer 1 - Unpacking Credit Transfer

This VelgCast looks at unpacking the requirements behind issuing credit for a previously awarded unit of competency and is the 1st in a two part VelgCast series on credit transfer. For part 2 please see VelgCast Credit Transfer - Gathering Evidence.

ACER: Survey and Focus Groups of Students Enrolled in Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) Offshore (2018)

As part of the Australian Government’s National Strategy for International Education 2025, the Department of Education and Training commissioned the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to provide an overview of the demographics and experiences of students enrolled in Australian vocational education and training (VET) offshore.

ASQA: Amount of training

This guide aims to help providers understand amount of training. Amount of training refers to the anticipated amount of time students will need to undertake monitored, structured training activities to be prepared to undertake assessment.

Velg Training Risk Register Tool template

This risk register tool can be used for assessing and recording potential risks faced by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) against the Standards for RTOs 2015. The template is able to be amended to ensure that it reflects the specific requirements of the RTO using this product.

Good practice in VET teaching and learning: a guide to practitioner perspectives [2018]

This link takes you to a guide which provides information and examples of good practice in teaching and learning VET.

NCVER: Podcast - VET in Schools and the shadow of ATAR (2022)

Vocational Voices S7, episode 1 - Professor Peter Shergold AC, who chaired a major review for Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers of Education on senior secondary school pathways (Looking to the Future), and Simon Walker, Managing Director, NCVER talk to Steve Davis about whether people are overestimating the impact of ATAR on a student’s future career prospects, and the proliferation of pathways that can be followed to find a future career.

Australian Government: 5 Year Productivity Inquiry: From learning to growth (2022)

The Productivity Inquiry focuses on the enablers of productivity growth in a modern, market-based, service-oriented world. The fifth interim report outlines potential ways governments can improve education outcomes to support future productivity.

TAC: Information about VET Course Accreditation

TAC website link to information about Course Accreditation.

Ai Group: Webinar - Skills Standards and VET qualifications (2022)

This webinar discusses the proposed reforms and addressed other questions related to the topic.

Skills for a cleaner future: Building the workforce for a clean economy (2024)

This research explores how everyday Australian businesses are experiencing the transition to a clean economy.

English Australia: Webinar - Identifying learning differences (Part 1)

English Australia link to webinar, broadcast - 16/3/21. This webinar is the first of a two-part series on Diversity and Inclusion. It will focus on what learning differences are and how to identify them.

Velg Training Refund Suite

This product provides an easy to use suite of Refund resources to assist in streamlining the refund process.

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