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eLearning is the delivery of online learning and assessment and, whilst this method of learning has been around for some time, it has, in recent times, become a more essential blended learning component. For information and guidance on how to navigate the online training terrain and apply eLearning strategies across your own programs, you are here provided with a range of webinar topics and links which will guide you, enhance your understanding and dispel any fears you may have when transferring your skills from one platform to another.

Credit Transfer and Articulation Arrangements

Credit transfer is the process of awarding a student credit for learning outcomes they already have achieved.

Access and Equity

‘Access and Equity’ is a principle designed to encourage all learners and ensure they are given equal opportunities to training and its outcomes.

Student Enrolment

Certain information is required from students when they enrol and are formally admitted to a course of study.

Compliance Chats

As a member you get access to our Monthly Compliance Chats service


Checklists can be designed for almost any purpose and are effective tools for recording assessment judgements.

State-based Funding

Funding is available from State and Territory governments to approved RTOs for delivery of VET.

Research Organisations

There are key organisations that research activity within, and about, education and VET in Australia.

Continuous Improvement

RTOs should have a system for how they will pinpoint and action opportunities for continuous improvement of their operations.

Student Files

RTOs must collect and keep information on their students’ learning activities. Considerations include the creation, maintenance, storage and access requirements associated with those files.

Sales and Marketing

RTOs must balance their sales and growth needs with specific requirements and allowable practices related to the marketing of their training products and services.

VET Acronyms

The VET sector makes use of myriad acronyms to refer to specific terms and components of the system; find them here.

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