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How To Upgrade My Membership
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Where Can I Find My Statement of Attendance?
Updated VelgCast Page!
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I am a Plus Member: How Do I Upload to My PD Portfolio?
How Can I Access the Members Lunchbox Recording?
How Do I Access Products I have Purchased?
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How Can I See the PD My Siblings Have Participated In?
How Can I Reset My Password?
I'm an Administrator: How can I help a sibling reset their password?
Where Can I Find Help as an Administrator?
How Can I Put Notes Against a Sibling Account?
I'm a Corporate Plus Administration: How can I allocate a sibling member to me to monitor?
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Our vision is to educate, inspire, and empower by providing quality, flexible and innovative products and services - the Velg Training membership program is no exception. Packed full of exclusive benefits, our membership program provides access to a range of member-only privileges. Watch now to hear more about these privileges!
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All the great benefits of membership extend to the named individual
Benefits extended to unlimited sibling accounts
Account administrator to manage team
Track sibling PD history