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Mar 8, 2018
ASQA Annual Declaration on Compliance and Update to TGA Listing
Mar 8, 2018
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Mar 8, 2018
The Standards for RTOs 2015 require each registered training organisation (RTO) to provide ASQA with an annual declaration.
When an RTO submits this declaration, it is also confirming to ASQA that:
How does an RTO access the declaration?
ASQA has sent an email containing a unique URL to every RTO’s registered email address for its CEO contact, as listed on
RTOs have until midnight AEDT 31 March 2018 to complete and submit the declaration.
The declaration must be completed by the person who is legally responsible for the registration of the RTO (the Chief Executive Officer).
What if an RTO did not receive the email from ASQA?
If an RTO has not received the email from ASQA, it should take the following steps:
If the RTO has previously unsubscribed from ASQA emails, they should contact and ASQA will reactivate the subscription to ASQA emails.
If none of the above apply, the RTO should contact the Info Line and advise that the RTO has not received the email.
Can an RTO keep a record of its declaration?
The declaration includes the option to print and/or email a copy of the RTO declaration.
It is each RTO’s responsibility to print/email and save a copy of the completed declaration for its records.
Note that once the declaration has been submitted, an RTO cannot re-enter the declaration to change answers or print/email at a later date.
What will ASQA do with the information submitted by RTOs?
ASQA uses the information received through annual declarations to identify systemic risks to the quality of VET delivery and to ensure it holds correct information about each RTO’s operations.
What happens if an RTO does not complete the annual declaration by 31 March 2018?
Providing this information is a requirement of clause 8.4 of the Standards. If an RTO does not submit the requested declaration, ASQA will take further regulatory action.
For more information you can view the ASQA webpage about Annual Declaration on Compliance.
The national register of vocational education and training (VET),, has updated the listing format for providers that withdraw their registration as a provider of VET.
From 5 March 2018, providers who withdraw their registration will be listed on the national register with the status ‘withdrawn’ and the end reason ‘registration was withdrawn by the NVR RTO’. Previously these providers were updated with the status ‘cancelled’ and end reason ‘registration period was cancelled with consent of the organisation’.
This update is to allow for a more accurate reflection of the type of closure that took place and to better inform the public and relevant stakeholders.
The change to the register will be retroactive, meaning that for relevant training providers, their listed status and end reason will be updated.
For more information you can view ASQA's latest news article.
Date posted Mar 8, 2018
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