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#2021NVC: Ensuring Effective RTO Management Practice
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Independent Assessment Validation: Let's Start At The Beginning
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Does Your RTO Regularly Plan, Prepare and Participate in Meaningful Validation Activities?
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Working together to ensure everyone is on the same page is a proven strategy. It inspires team members with a strong sense of purpose, and highlights the value in striving to achieve the common goal.
It’s no different when it comes to systematic monitoring of assessment practice….
The key is supporting each other, working effectively with our colleagues, to plan, prepare and participate in meaningful validation activities.
Validation is an important responsibility for RTOs. However, it represents some of the highest non-compliances at audit. Leading regular assessment validation activities is therefore critical in confirming that an RTO's assessment system consistently produces valid assessment judgements and ensures that candidates are assessed against all tasks identified in a unit of competency, and the evidence outlined in the associated assessment requirements.
So, if you’re looking for some help with developing (or continuing to build on) successful validation processes, join Marc Ratcliffe (CEO of MRWED Training and Assessment) on 4 August 2021, and get some real advice from someone who knows first-hand what’s involved.
Marc will be delivering an insightful webinar specifically to provide key advice for those of us seeking to implement successful validation activities that derive meaningful validation outcomes that we can work with and use to improve our RTO's assessment practices moving forward.
Date posted Jul 15, 2021
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