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Independent validation of assessment can play a constructive role in registered training organisation (RTO) governance and continuous improvement, although terminology is often not understood and validation not practiced consistently, according to a research report released this week by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).
Begin with the end: RTO practices and views on independent validation of assessment reveals that assessment and validation needs to be incorporated into training packages right at the start to overcome a range of recurring issues.
Getting assessment right to signal the quality of outcomes from Australia’s vocational and education training (VET) system is a constant challenge. Despite the enduring focus and discussion on best assessment and validation practice, there is currently an appetite among RTOs for change that values excellence and professionalism in training outcomes.
However, improvement does not require abandoning the current systems of independent moderation and validation of assessment. Similarly, a one size fits all approach is unlikely to achieve nationwide credible assessment and certification practices.
The research asserts that independent validation or moderation of assessment is not a driver of quality but rather a mechanism for identifying recommendations for improvements to the assessment tool, assessment process or assessment outcome. It can also build stronger relationships between RTOs and employers and serve to improve the industry relevance of training.
Further, a mechanism to feedback to the training package developers any difficulties experienced with the content of training packages and assessment requirements is sought after.
Date posted Jul 15, 2021
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