As a Member you get access to over 20 hours of additional recorded webinar content.
Q: How do I access my PD history?
A: To view the records of any live event you have registered for with Velg Training please visit the VET PD page in your profile. From this page you will be able to access the resources from the event and also access your statement of attendance for any events you were able to attend live.
The below legend denotes which events have accompanying certificates:
Please note: Any certificates of completion issued for viewing a past Members Lunch Box webinar recording via our Knowledge Hub or purchased webinar recording will not appear in your PD history as these are not live events. The registration process for the event through our website is the trigger for PD appearing in your history. Watching recordings however is absolutely valid PD and you should record these in your Trainer and Assessor Profile.
Q: I’m a corporate/individual plus member, how do I upload PD to my profile?
A: To add records of PD from other providers to your Velg Training account please visit the VET PD page in your profile. From here click on the ‘+ ADD VET PD’ button on the right-hand side of the page:
The following menu will then appear and you can then complete the details and the PD will then appear in your listing:
Please note: It is mandatory to have a PDF file to upload in the statement of attendance field for this to be added. Also, only the individual can add PD to their own profile. The administrator of an account cannot do this on behalf of their sibling accounts.
Q: What PD do you issue certificates for?
Velg Training issues Statements of Attendance for any live event you register for which is classified as valid Professional Development (PD) and then attend at the required time. This will include our live:
If you register for a live webinar but are unable to attend at the specified time, you can watch the recording within post event and then request a Certificate of Completion (within 4 weeks of the live event). Simply email to our webinar team ( with the title of the webinar along with the date and time you have watched this and our team can then cross reference this with our system and issue the certificate.
We also issue certificates of completion to Velg Training members for viewing past Members Lunch Box webinars via our Knowledge Hub MLB request form.
Please note: Once you have watched a paid product recording, simply fill in the quick online form to register to receive your Certificate of Completion - which will be issued on the following Tuesday. Please note that SOME webinar recordings are NOT formal professional development in the area of training and assessments (and would not contribute to your trainer and assessor currency activities). Where this is the case, there will be no link to the Certificate of Completion online form.
Q: Do you offer free PD for members?
A: We definitely do! Velg Training members can access complimentary PD by three different ways as listed below. Please click on the links to access these directly through our Knowledge Hub once logged in with your membership details:
Q: Where do I find Members Lunch Box webinars?
A: Both a link to the current event and the recordings of previous webinars in this series can be found in our Knowledge Hub by clicking here. You can also access them via the Knowledge Map as below:
Q: What are VelgCasts and where do I find them?
A: A VelgCast is just like a PodCast, a digital audio file made available free to members, to watch via Vimeo. We have also developed an accompanying PD record to assist in demonstrating your VET currency. VelgCasts can be found in our Knowledge Hub by clicking here. You can also access them via the Knowledge Map as below:
Q: How do I find the Standards at a Glance resource?
A: This suite of VelgCasts which break the actual Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 down clause by clause can be found by clicking here. You can also access them via the Knowledge Map as below:
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Our vision is to educate, inspire, and empower by providing quality, flexible and innovative products and services - the Velg Training membership program is no exception. Packed full of exclusive benefits, our membership program provides access to a range of member-only privileges. Watch now to hear more about these privileges!
Benefit from a free Velg Training profile and receive our fortnightly newsletter
All the great benefits of membership extend to the named individual
Benefits extended to unlimited sibling accounts
Account administrator to manage team
Track sibling PD history