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This session will provide information about the RTO’s Annual Declaration on Compliance (the statement by your RTO confirming that it is compliant with all requirements of the standards).
It will discuss how the declaration confirms that the RTO has systematically monitored your RTO’s compliance with the Standards and informs ASQA of whether any issues identified have been corrected.
The session will provide ASQAs perspective, and encourage attendees to think about the role RTO Managers play in ensuring that self-assessment systems and processes are in place and how evidence of rectifications that have occurred, are important when it comes to the CEO submitting the Declaration.
27 March 2019
2.30pm - 3:15pm (AEST: QLD)
Other timezones:
3.30pm - 4.15pm (AEDT: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
3.00pm - 3.45pm (ACDT: SA)
2.00pm - 2.45pm (ACST: NT)
12.30pm - 1.15pm (AWST: WA)
Presented by David Garner, you will be provided with the following resources after the event:
David Garner is the Principal Consultant at [consult dg] and provides advice, development and research to the VET sector. He has worked in a variety of compliance related roles for over 15 years.
Most recently, as the General Manager Regulatory Operations for the Australian Skills Quality Authority, David was responsible for implementing ASQA’s regulatory strategy nationally, including monitoring compliance of both training providers, and intending providers, against the VET Quality Framework and Educational Services for Overseas Students Act.
David was also Director, Training Quality, in the Queensland Department of Education and Training. Prior to joining the Queensland department in 2005, David worked in and managed training providers for many years. David has been active in sports administration for over 30 years and sat for many years on the board of the Queensland Fitness, Sport and Recreation Skills Alliance.
NB. If you would like to send chat questions to the presenter, David Garner, before the session, please email
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