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Save   Share 12 & 13 September 2019

7.30am - 9.00am
2019NVC Program Registration
9.00am - 9.10am
Welcome to Country
9.10am - 9.20am
Official Opening - Velg Training
9.20am - 9.30am
Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business (Invited)
9.30am - 9.55am
ASQA Update, Mr Mark Paterson AO, Chief Commissioner and CEO, ASQA
9.55am - 10.15am
NCVER: Transforming our understanding of the Australian VET system, Simon Walker, Managing Director, NCVER
10.15am - 10.30am
10.30am - 11.00am
Morning Tea & Networking
11.10am - 12.00pm
ASQA's Cost Recovery/Third Party Arrangements Update
David Garner
RTO Management & Compliance 1
Beyond Excellence
Marc Ratcliffe
RTO Management & Compliance 2
The Future of Work to 2030 – Evolution of revolution?
Brett Hall
Training & Assessing 1
Enhancing Academic Outcomes for all Students Using Digital Tools
Greg O'Connor
Training & Assessing 2
Dynamic Thinking Tools for Engaging Meetings and Training Sessions
Eric Frangenheim
Activation in VET
Leveraging Your Team's Strengths for Enhanced Performance
Nick McEwan Hall
12.10pm - 1.00pm
Unpacking ASQA's Regulatory Strategy
Anthony Barkey
RTO Management & Compliance 1
Developing a Shared Vision of Competence
Dr Dan Hill
RTO Management & Compliance 2
How do You Innovate in a Regulatory Environment?
Serryn O'Regan
Training & Assessing 1
Designing Compliant Simulations in Assessment Tools
Mark Long
Training & Assessing 2
Strategies for Engagement: Students with additional needs
Jane Goodfellow
Activation in VET
Tips to Activate Your Compliance
Maciek Fibrich
1.00pm - 1.50pm
Lunch & Networking
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Passionate Life: Master the art of achieving your biggest goals
3.00pm - 3.20pm
Afternoon Tea & Networking
3.30pm - 5.00pm
'I'm an Auditor- Ask Me Anything'
RTO Management & Compliance 1
The Secret of Timing and Purpose in Making your RTO Compliant, Happy and Profitable
Lauren Hollows
RTO Management & Compliance 2
It’s Your Move
Tamara Simon
Training & Assessing 1
Show Me the Way: Mapping the importance of mapping
Michelle Charlton
Training & Assessing 2
Jedi Memory and Great Training - Engage the Learner and the Learning Sticks
Laurie Kelly
Activation in VET
Innovating and Activating: How we built the most adopted Accredited Course ever!
Jonathon Tanner
5.00pm - 8.00pm
Welcome Function

8.15am - 8.45am
Catch Up Over Coffee
8.45am - 9.00am
Day 2 Welcome Address by Velg Training
9.00am - 9.30am
Australian VET Alumni hosted by the Australian Training Awards and WorldSkills Australia
9.30am - 10.30am
Breathing New Life Into The VET Sector
10.30am - 11.00am
Morning Tea & Networking
11.10am - 12.00pm
Online Learning Content with H5P
Kerri Buttery
RTO Management & Compliance 1
The Future of Micro-learning & Credentialing
Matthew Dale, Glenn Campbell, Chris Kulesza & Rachel Gilbert
RTO Management & Compliance 2
Achieve Profitability & Compliance through Thought Leadership in Creative Design
Chris Green
Training & Assessing 1
From Average to Great: The steps to becoming a powerful and impactful trainer in the 21st century
Marc Miles
Training & Assessing 2
Continued Professional Development, the Glitter and Gold
Angela McGregor
Freestyle Facilitation
Let's Talk About Competency Based Assessment
John Dwyer
12.10pm - 1.00pm
What to Consider when Selecting an LMS
Scott Huntley
RTO Management & Compliance 1
Preparing for Re-Registration Audits
Matthew Dale & Kevin Ekendahl
RTO Management & Compliance 2
Digital Transformation from a Systems Perspective (Caterpillar to Digital Butterfly)
Amanda Buchanan
Training & Assessing 1
Connecting the Dots: Facilitating learners’ success
John Blake
Training & Assessing 2
Designing Assessments to Capture Workplace Performance
Rachel Leigh Taylor
Freestyle Facilitation
Let's Talk About HR Requirements
Carol Hunter
1.00pm - 1.50pm
Lunch & Networking
2.00pm - 2.50pm
Putting L.I.F.E. Back Into Your e-learning
Damian Noud
RTO Management & Compliance 1
Over-simplification of the Concept of Competency, Raising and Shattering Expectations
Michael Hartman
RTO Management & Compliance 2
Disability Awareness eTraining: Enhancing your VET practice
Jen Cousins & Darlene McLennan
Training & Assessing 1
Persuasive Presentations for Trainers and Assessors
Sharon Ferrier
Training & Assessing 2
Effective Industry Engagement: Test your understanding
Kerri Buttery
Freestyle Facilitation
Let's Talk About RPL and Validation
John Price
2.50pm - 3.10pm
Afternoon Tea & Networking
3.20pm - 4.10pm
Making Digital Compliance a Way of Life
Toby Jones
RTO Management & Compliance 1
Under the Hood: Driving compliance from document to action
Emma Siebuhr
RTO Management & Compliance 2
Understanding How Gen Z Are Making Career Decisions
William Stubley
Training & Assessing 1
Five Critical Aspects of your TAS
Angela Connell
Training & Assessing 2
Leveraging Cognitive Biases to Enhance Learner Engagement and Satisfaction
Tony Kirton
Freestyle Facilitation
Let's Talk About Administration
Angela McGregor
4.20pm - 4.30pm
Prize Draw & Close

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