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Amanda has a passion for creating innovative business and management solutions, specialising in business process management, business systems, and managing compliance standards within the VET and Further Education sector. Amanda has extensive experience in streamlining complex and often outdated processes and systems, usually in the conversion of manual processes into digital systems fit for purpose.
During her 11 years in the sector, Amand has had a variety of roles, including VET Admin, Claiming, Lodgement, AVETMISS Reporting, Compliance, and more recently, working with an AVETMISS software provide to help RTO implement a new system or undertake new projects.
Angela has been working in the training industry for over 20 years in the capacity of Training Coordinator, Trainer/Assessor, RTO Manager and CEO. During that time, she has owned and operated two of her own successful RTOs, this is where Angela first gained first-hand experience in effectively navigating the complexities of balancing RTO compliance with business success.
As the CEO of Vivacity Coaching & Consulting, which has been servicing the training industry since 2009, Angela provides innovative tools and comprehensive on-going support to ensure that not only will a Training Organisation be deemed compliant but will also thrive within the industry.
Angela McGregor is the owner and principal consultant of RTO Consulting who has been offering consulting services throughout Australia, providing guidance, coaching and assistance to businesses wanting to become a RTO, existing RTOs and businesses wanting to develop nationally accredited courses and those looking to establish systems and processes to ensure compliance.
As a practitioner dedicated to sharing knowledge, Angela has consulted through many forums pertaining to compliance issues and improvement strategies for training and assessment services. Angela is known for her current industry, knowledge and success in developing accredited courses and track record in setting up RTOs and assisting RTOs with compliance against the VET Quality Framework.
Anthony Barkey is currently the Manager Regulatory Operations at Australian Skills Quality Authority in the Brisbane Office for last 5 years.
Anthony has had 24 years’ experience working in the VET sector both in industry and in regulation. Anthony started his career in TAFE Queensland performing many roles consisting of Student Enrolments and Support, Quality Assurance compliance (pre-AQTF and before introduction of training packages), Learning and Assessment resource development and course registration.
In the then Qld Department of Education, Training and Employment as the State Training Authority (prior to ASQA). Anthony held various roles including working on projects to implement the Queensland Skills Plan to increase participation in Apprenticeships and Traineeships, Field Officer Work in managing training contract relationships between apprentices, employers and RTOs and contract management of State Funded Training Contracts in User Choice and other state funded initiatives.
In regulation, Anthony had been a compliance auditor at all levels for 10 years and has been involved in auditing for compliance with the AQTF, AVETMISS standards, the current VET Quality Framework and ESOS framework (CRICOS), including large and complex audits of RTOs both private and TAFE in the previous Qld State Regulator and Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
Brett has spent close to a decade working on issues related to skills and workforce development, workforce productivity, and Vocational Education and Training (VET). This has been in a range of policy development, research and program delivery roles across several state and federal government agencies. Brett is currently the acting Executive Director of Jobs Queensland– an independent entity established to provide advice to government on skills demand, future workforce planning and development, and apprenticeships and traineeships.
Carol Hunter has spent over twenty years working in both operational and strategic roles in VET. She is the Principal of RTO Services and Consulting. She has held positions as Director Training Quality and Regulation, Department of Education and Training ; Manager, Audit Services, Training Quality and Regulation, Department of Education and Training (Queensland); Manager, Training Secretariat to Training and Employment Recognition Council and Training Employment Board ; Faculty Director Logan TAFE and various other VET positions in apprenticeships, curriculum, teaching etc.
Carol has used her experience in assisting a range of stakeholders develop contextually appropriate best practice applications and solutions in a variety of VET domains. She has also worked in operational roles in both public and private RTOs, in policy and curriculum development; and as a secondary school teacher.
Chris Green is the Founder and CEO of c2cglobal Pty Ltd, which he started 20 plus years ago. In that time c2cglobal has moved from a general commercial fit out company to a highly specialist consulting firm delivering 9b and building compliance specifically to the Education Sector. After focusing on providing fit outs to the education sector, it soon became clear that the education sector is unique in it’s building compliance requirements. It also became clear that unless you have an in-depth understanding of all the restrictions and timing issues imposed by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and other education regulators (ASQA, TEQSA), it is almost impossible to effectively deliver solutions to the problems facing education providers. So c2cglobal’s philosophy was to move from a “generalist” fit out company to a “specialist” consulting firm with the ability to identify key problems for one specific industry, Education, and provide very real solutions to very real problems that add massive value to clients.
As a former Principal and Director of Studies at QLD and NSW RTOs, Damian Noud joined MRWED Training and Assessment in 2003. Damian has held a wide range of MRWED positions and has won the hotly contested MRWED Trainer of the Year Award twice. His current position as Team Leader of the Learner Success Team has Damian focused upon the development of MRWED's training and assessment resources and support services to students.
Damian has also managed the development of MRWED’s online and webinar programs. Damian’s passion is helping people build their skills and confidence in online presenting. As host of the Webinar Skills Podcast, available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio, Damian interviews the world’s leading webinar experts and presents best practice approaches for delivering engaging webinars. When he isn’t training people Damian applies the adult learning principles to training dogs.
As General Manager Regulatory Operations in the Australian Skills Quality Authority, David has responsibility for implementing ASQA’s regulatory strategy nationally, including monitoring compliance of training providers and intending providers with the VET Quality Framework as well as the standards relating to delivery of training to overseas students, including intensive English courses. Prior to the referral of powers that brought Queensland providers under ASQA’s jurisdiction, David was Director, Training Quality, in the Queensland Department of Education and Training.
Prior to joining the Queensland department in 2005, David worked in and managed training providers for many years. David has been active in sports administration for over 30 years and sat for many years on the board of the Queensland Fitness, Sport and Recreation Skills Alliance.
Over the last three decades, Dan has had the fortune of working in several industry sectors including defence, retail, wholesale distribution, mining, education and ITC. As a published author of several industry-leading titles, and a social media influencer with over 22,000 followers, Dan has gained a considerable reputation in adult education, and education leadership and management.
He facilitates nationally accredited courses in vocational education, leadership, business administration, frontline management, financial management, time prioritisation and customer service. Dan has also developed and run several specialised programs in the fields of emotional intelligence, workplace training and assessment, brain-based learning, and operational management.
As a passionate facilitator and speaker, Dan is able to engage groups with the right mix of humour, theory, practical activities and self-reflection. His professional experience allows him to draw upon interesting and poignant anecdotes and examples that link past experience in management, entrepreneurship, emotional intelligence, operations and strategy to the context of any workplace or training environment.
As the National Training Manager at Fortress Learning RTO, Emma enjoys the challenges that this multi - faceted role brings to each working day.
From maintaining and managing compliance across the organisation through the Compliance Framework , to managing a team of dedicated and expert Trainers and Assessors, Emma always strives to turn each communication into a model for teaching others.
As an International Keynote Speaker and leading authority on motivation, vision and success for audiences as large as 20,000— Eric draws on his successful careers in professional sports, executive management and sales as well as life experiences such as his difficult start growing up in South Central Los Angeles delivering powerful and inspiring keynotes that will lead you or your group in the right direction. Eric was raised on the tough streets of South Central Los Angeles. Abandoned by his biological parents at birth to only realize the doctors prognosis were a life of pain due to a knee disorder and a host of other ailments. He was bullied and lost all hope of happiness and a bright future. Eric was adopted and given an opportunity to turn his life around. His adopted parents gave him the love and support he needed to stay motivated. But he had to ACTIVATE HIMSELF!!!!
As one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, Eric Bailey is a dynamic personality and highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 Company’s, small business owners, sporting associations, non-profit and community leaders, and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their mindset and life aspirations. For almost three decades Eric has studied and mastered the art of strategically unlocking the dormant potential of thousands of business minded individuals seeking better results in life, health and business. Not just Motivation but Activation.
As of July 2019 Eric has spoken to over 4 million personal development and business enthusiasts in 13 countries around the world. Turning Dreams into Reality has been his trademark theme.
Eric started teaching in 1970 in Zimbabwe and later in South Africa and Queensland. He has held the positions of Head of Department, Deputy Principal, and coordinated programs for Gifted and Talented students for seven years. In December 1995, Eric became an independent education consultant and is the Director of Rodin Educational Consultancy.
He has presented several thousand workshops on thinking skills and better learner engagement in schools all over Australia and New Zealand. Eric has also presented in PNG, The Republic of Nauru, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, the USA, South Africa, Indonesia and India.
His books, Reflections on Classroom Thinking Strategies (11th Ed. with over 35000 copies sold), Cartoon Conversations and Thinking Tools Templates are all aimed at promoting the use of thinking and learning strategies in classrooms and in professional development workshops in schools, the workplace and in the corporate world. Eric has been a member of Toastmasters and the National Speakers Association of Australia where he held the CSP designation.
Greg has been actively involved in supporting learners across all levels of education for over 30 years. During this time he has worked as a classroom teacher, school executive, consultant, regional manager with the New South Wales Department of Education, and technology coach.
He is currently the Educational Technology Manager for the Texthelp AsiaPac Team, supporting diverse learners using literacy and numeracy inclusive technology tools across the region.
Jane Goodfellow has worked as a VET trainer for 23 years and is a Principal Lecturer at North Metropolitan TAFE in Perth, WA.
After completing a Master in Education in Inclusion Jane's focus turned to increasing the participation of students with disability and diverse learning needs in VET.
Jane seeks out innovative and alternative training methods to ensure her student's success including applying the principles of Universal Design for Learning. Jane won the Australian VET Teacher/Trainer Training Awards in 2017 and has since enjoyed presenting at conferences all over Australia.
Jen Cousins has extensive experience and qualifications as a developmental educator, disability advocate, and as a VET practitioner in the Disability and Community Services sector. Jen has been a Lecturer in the Community Services and Health Program in TAFE SA since 2005 and was Principal Lecturer from 2009 -2012 and National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) for the Adelaide Metropolitan Region from 2012 – 2016. Jen holds a Masters of Adult, Vocational and Workplace Education, a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies - Honours) and is currently the Principal Lecturer in Community Services and Health – Individual Support and Allied Health at TAFE SA. Jen has extensive personal experience as a carer of family members with disability and is very passionate about creating accessible and inclusive communities.
Darlene McLennan is the National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) for Northern Tasmania a position she has held for over 13 years. Darlene begun working in the disability sector in 1986, she has held a range of positions in the Health and Community services in Victoria and Tasmania. She manages the website the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET). The website provides information, advice and resources to disability practitioners, academics, teachers and students on inclusive practices within the post-secondary education sector. Darlene has completed post graduate studies in Careers Education and Development at RMIT and holds a Masters of Business at the University of Tasmania.
With nearly 20 years in education, John brings a unique industry skill set combining EAL, Foundation Skills, Hospitality, and Training & Education delivery. He has taught in 15 countries to a cross-dimension of learners of all ages from primary school to retirees, low-literacy to PhD participants in a variety of RTOs and businesses.
John is passionate about the opportunity he has to inspire teachers and trainers to go beyond their PowerPoint and build meaningful relationships to enhance the workforce with quality graduates. As teachers get excited in class, they often take good ideas back in to their own classes and practice and re-invigorate their educational approaches. His greatest compliment from a participant (a teacher) whose student asked why had their classes become so much more interesting and enjoyable that year!
With his own company, and while working for both large and private RTOs, universities and dozens of organisations and industry groups enhancing training, John is both guilty and proud of re-inventing vocational education, creative delivery approaches, contextualising assessments for specific industry needs and making a difference for the transformation of learners.
John Dwyer is a national VQF/AQTF trainer/assessor and consultant with experience in education and training spanning more than 60 years. He brings extensive Registered Training Organisation (RTO) experience and has a comprehensive history in developing and delivering a range of workshops and webinars on assessment, compliance, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), moderation and validation processes relating to VQF/AQTF compliance.
John Price has been an educator and trainer for over 40 years and in that time has worked as a Head of Department at TAFE, mentor, facilitator of national workshops covering delivery and assessment, risk management, auditing, leadership and interpersonal skill development.
John has been a keynote speaker at conventions and conferences, and maintained a grass roots level approach to dealing with people at all levels of the organisation.
He has also assisted over 300 organisations in Australia to achieve quality certification to the range of National Training Standards including: Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations (versions 2012 and 2015); Australian Quality Training Framework standards (AQTF from 2001 – 2010) Australian and International ISO9001 standards (AS/NZS and ISO from 1987 – 2008) and worked with these organisations in establishing continuous improvement systems and strategies.
Jonathon Tanner is the CoFounder & CEO of Social Media College, Australia's leading educator and trainer for social media. He co-authored the Diploma of Social Media Marketing, the world's first and only Australian Government recognised course in social media marketing, delivered by 25 leave colleges and TAFEs across Australia, and articulating into several Bachelor programs at leading Australian Universities.
His deep expertise in social media spans content marketing, social media strategy, 15 different social media networks, paid social advertising, personal branding, email marketing and social media conversion. Jonathon has also co-founded several other businesses, as well as spending 12 years a management consultant specialising in mergers & acquisitions for private equity firms, growth strategy and operational improvement. Jonathon holds a combined Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Sydney.
Industries across the globe turn to Keith Abraham for inspiration, insights and ideas on how to not only set goals— but how to achieve them—to bring out the best in their people, their leaders and their business.
Keith Abraham is the global authority on goal achievement and the creator of the GoalDriver™ Formula. A formula designed to accurately determine what energises and engages each individual, driving them to achieve the unimaginable, unreachable and unattainable.
With over 22 years as a professional speaker, delivering to over 340 clients in 29 different countries, Keith Abraham has been the recipient of multiple awards throughout his career. In 1999, Keith became a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), putting him in the top 7% of professional speakers worldwide. He has experienced great success in Australia and in 2002 he received the highest award given to a Professional Speaker—the Nevin Award. In 2012 he was named Keynote Speaker of the Year. Adding to his already impressive CV, Keith is the bestselling author of five books, published in 12 languages, covering the areas of passion, goal achievement, customer loyalty and focus. As a regular contributor to publications and a frequent guest on business media and podcasts, Keith’s expertise and authority on the subjects of goal setting, goal achievement, goal centric-cultures and goal alignment is recognised globally. Keith is passionate about the work he does.
Keith has learnt through his career of being on stages worldwide, is that to have the biggest impact on conference attendees, it is so much more than just turning up and presenting. Keith embodies his work and has become the real life, living example. Delivering an exceptional learning experience and inspirational presentation, attendees want to implement the ideas and insights immediately into their life and business role.
Keith creates a seamless experience from the moment you book him, to the professional preparation time he takes getting to understand your business—all leading to attendees who are more engaged in a highly interactive and industry-relevant presentation. Keith leaves the audiences with resources to put what they have learnt into practice. Adding value to the learning experience for your people is Keith’s number-one priority. That’s why you’ll see that your standard conference investment includes so much more.
Kerri Buttery has worked in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector for two decades as a Trainer/Assessor, RTO Manager and also as a Senior Lead Auditor for the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Kerri has worked as a consultant for a range of organisations in the areas of establishing Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), conducting internal audits, consulting on VQF compliance, developing accredited courses, convening conferences and events, developing training and assessment materials, conducting professional development workshops and delivering Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. As the former Director of Content and Strategy for Velg Training, Kerri has extensive experience in providing advice and assistance to Registered Training Organisations in managing compliance,developing assessments and delivering training in line with the VET Quality Framework. She also specialises in eLearning consulting, with a particular focus on the Canvas LMS by Instructure. Kerri now provides professional development services on everything related to VQF compliance for an RTO through webinars, face-to-face workshops (public and on-demand) as well as presenting at conferences and other events.
Lauren Hollows is the Managing Director and Owner of Understand TAE, a consultancy which is focused on professional development for trainer and assessors as well as mentoring for RTO Managers and CEOs. A regular presenter at Velg Training's National VET Conferences as well as various other events, Lauren is passionate about helping RTOs and VET Practitioners reignite their passion for industry and use practical science and emerging technologies to better manage their businesses, work roles and classes.
Lauren is known for her unique style of delivery, drawing audiences in through games, active reflection and lots of interactive dialogue.
Laurie Kelly (Senior Consultant - Brain Friendly Training Pty Ltd) speaks both nationally and internationally on current knowledge of how the learning brain works to maximize the impact of teaching, and to create an openness factor in our approach to change and new learning.
With over 30 years experience as a National and International consultant, he has a reputation for having an uncanny ability to communicate on a level that everyone can appreciate and is passionate about the importance of the information he shares. Laurie's experience in improving brain engagement and thinking skills is vast - he is one of the most sought-after presenters in his field.
He preaches and practices the principles of Brain Friendly Training in all his work, so expect the ‘talk to be walked’. Have fun and enjoy the experience.
For almost 20 years, Maciek Fibrich has been challenging the status-quo in the VET sector, often pushing the limits to achieve unexpected outcomes for RTOs. Identifying a shift in the sector, Maciek has moved away from mainstream consulting and identified the need to further educate the educators through internal coaching and mentoring, rather than fixing the same problems over and over again.
Maciek is passionate about inspiring all leaders and implementing impactful change through internal education and adapting systems within an organisation to simplify and streamline operations.
Internal coaching and mentoring leads to more positive outcomes within an RTO, provides for accountability and a proactive culture of action rather than a reactive environment.
Having taught in adult education for over 10 years in the areas of Training and Assessment – both at Certificate IV and Diploma level, as well as in leadership and management, Marc has become well known for his interactive engaging delivery style.
His driving passion is helping people become the best trainers they can be and is always focused on helping people ‘Speak and Train to be Remembered’. He has taught the TAE course over 90 times to over 2,500 students throughout Australia and absolutely loves empowering people in all areas of learning, teaching and life management.
He has taught at prestigious universities like Bond University and has worked in Japan for over six years in learning and development and managing English schools in Tokyo. His unique experience as a public speaking coach, life coach and sales coach means that he brings a very strong practical element to the training environment and students go away with brand new perspectives and insights on themselves and the learning process.
Marc Ratcliffe is a multi-award-winning trainer, author and education entrepreneur. He is the CEO and founder of MRWED Training and Assessment, a private RTO that specialises in Trainer Training. He is a strong advocate for "edu-tainment" and believes that learner involvement and fun are integral to student success. He has delivered over 300 training and assessment courses since 2000 and continues to be an in-demand conference speaker and workshop facilitator, having presented at more than 50 conferences in a dozen countries in the past decade and was recently named as the winner of the “Best Training and Development Leadership” Award for 2017 at the World Training and Development Congress in Mumbai.
Mark has a wealth of experience with the auditing requirements of RTO’s. Over the years, Mark has assisted many Colleges across a number of industry sectors meet compliance. In addition, he has been an external auditor for the Vocational Education and Accreditation Board(VETAB). In those years, Mark conducted initial and re-registration audits across all disciplines in the VET sector.
Mark is one of the few consultants in VET who is officially registered with an international body. As a certified auditor, Mark maintains a professional standard which is monitored by Exemplar Global. This assurance reinforces his reputation as a practicing specialist where his record to date is the achievement of total compliance.
Matthew Dale is the Chief Operations Officer of Audit Express, Matthew is passionate about Australian training and education, specialising in organisational development, knowledge management, quality, compliance and internal audit. He has been a vocal and energetic campaigner for policy change and the reduction of regulation and red tape in the VET sector. Matthew was previously a senior policy advisor to the Victorian Minister for Skills and Training, and also publishes regularly on the topic of regulation and industry best practice. Matthew is a graduate of Monash University with his studies focussed on Adult Learning and Development, he has previously worked as an RTO Manager, and Compliance Manager for both an industry focussed not-for-profit organisation and a large national RTO which operated in all states and territories.
Kevin Ekendahl is the Managing Director of Audit Express, Kevin is passionate about Australian training and education, specialising in the provision of quality training, compliance consulting and internal audit. He has been a vocal and energetic campaigner for the reduction of regulation and red tape in the VET sector, and frequently provides advice to Ministers and Departments at state and Commonwealth levels. Kevin was previously a board member of the Victorian Board of the Medical Board of Australia and also publishes regularly on the topic of regulation and industry best practice. Prior to his work with Audit Express, he was the General Manager of Social Enterprises for a not-for-profit organisation and he also worked in the advertising sector in print and radio.
Matthew Dale is the Chief Operations Officer of Audit Express, Matthew is passionate about Australian training and education, specialising in organisational development, knowledge management, quality, compliance and internal audit. He has been a vocal and energetic campaigner for policy change and the reduction of regulation and red tape in the VET sector. Matthew was previously a senior policy advisor to the Victorian Minister for Skills and Training, and also publishes regularly on the topic of regulation and industry best practice. Matthew is a graduate of Monash University with his studies focussed on Adult Learning and Development, he has previously worked as an RTO Manager, and Compliance Manager for both an industry focussed not-for-profit organisation and a large national RTO which operated in all states and territories.
Glenn Campbell is the Executive Director & CEO of DeakinCo. – the corporate education division of Deakin University. DeakinCo. assists organisations and their people navigate new possibilities. DeakinCo. has led the innovation of outcome-based credentials based on what individuals learn at work, with assessment mapped to international qualifications frameworks.
Glenn has worked for governments and education providers since the mid-1990's; with career breaks in the private sector. He has created success for businesses by approaching each workplace differently, and using his skills and knowledge to improve businesses, positioning them for better performance.
He has worked as a senior executive, internal consultant and change agent in roles with a primary focus on strategy, customer service, public policy and corporate services. His time in senior leadership roles has brought wider exposure to the Asia-Pacific region.
Glenn has held various board appointments related to his work and currently serves as a Non-Executive Director of the Victorian Government’s Gippsland Waste and Resource Recovery Group.
Glenn holds qualifications in business, organisational change and consulting at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a career member of the Australian Human Resources Institute.
Chris Kulesza has spent the best part of his professional career working in the learning and development space. Chris is currently responsible for implementing innovations across many touch points the Master Builders has with its members across the Association. ‘Learning what you need to learn,’ drives sustainable behavioural change. Achieving this is what keeps Chris awake at night!
Since joining the Master Builders Victoria in 2009, Chris has always maintained close links to learning and development with key roles in the Training Institute’s RTO and its $14M Building Leadership Simulation Centre (BLSC), the third construction specific simulation facility of its kind in the world. Here, Chris and his team has helped deliver a world class, innovative training facility whilst also introducing a viable, practical and innovative approach to ‘learning what you need to learn.’
Since opening in 2012, the BLSC has delivered immersive, simulation learning to over 7,000 participants and is the preferred leadership training provider for Australia’s leading construction companies.
Chris has previously overseen and managed private training providers since the early 2000’s and has also spent time working with some of the country’s utilities and energy providers mobilising large scale projects in metropolitan and regional areas of Australia.
As WorkSafe’s Manager of Agent Capability, Rachel does more than just implement process and frameworks. With over 15 years’ experience in vocational education, she’s obsessed with finding new ways to create engaging learning that’s useful, effective and ultimately behaviour-changing. With the support of her team, she’s been able to persuade a very conventional and traditional government organisation to embrace ‘just in time’ micro-learning and micro-credentials as the new way to uplift capability.
Michael has been involved in work-based adult education, learning and vocational education for over 30 years. 18 of these have been in CEO roles, leading the development of industry skills standards and qualifications as well as skill solutions for industry. He has led an industry-wide Innovation Skills Program to support enterprises grow and evolve their skills in the ever-present challenging economic environment. Michael has held a number of roles in the education and training sectors and bases his leadership on a wide knowledge of workplace learning, education and training which supports him to engage and add value with both industry and VET sector stakeholders. Michael holds a Diploma of Management (Community Services), Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment, Corporate Governance Qualifications, Innovation for Leaders Skill Set and trade qualifications.
Michelle is an experienced VET practitioner who first entered workplace training in 1993. Since then, she has worked in and out of the VET sector for a variety of organisations, in a number of capacities. Michelle’s work experience and vocational qualifications include those in business operations, leadership and management, project management, retail skills, and training and education.
Additionally, Michelle has experience owning and operating award-winning businesses, so she understands the complexities of employing others, growing a business, and driving a culture of continuous improvement and quality customer service. Michelle currently works as a resource developer and industry consultant.
Mr Mark Paterson AO commenced as a Commissioner of ASQA on 30 May 2016 and commenced as Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer from 1 January 2017.
The Chief Commissioner is responsible for:
The Chief Commissioner also holds the role of ASQA Chief Executive Officer, with responsibilities and accountabilities for the management of people, resources, finance, audit, risk and procurement. The responsibilities are consistent with the Australian Public Sector framework of legislation, including the Public Service Act 1999 and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Mr Paterson has extensive experience across government and industry, including experience leading government departments at both the state and federal levels. Mr Paterson is a former Secretary of the NSW Department of Trade and Investment; the Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research; and the Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources.
An experienced RTO professional, Nick has worked in roles from trainer to RTO Manager, in both the not-for-profit sector and commercially oriented RTOs.
It is fair to say that Nick attained his leadership experience by 'rising through the ranks' and he now manages a multidiscipline team of approximately 50 people to deliver quality strategic business outcomes for his RTO. He also consults to the RTO industry. Passionate about quality, practical and people focused leadership, Nick's also an Accredited DISC Advanced Consultant and Facilitator.
Rachel Leigh Taylor has more than 20 years’ experience teaching, designing, managing and quality auditing in the VET sector in Australia and abroad. Rachel has a passion for using student data to inform educational reform, and assess the quality of VET service provision. With a background in second language education, Rachel has a strong focus on simplifying educational resources for ease of use and promoting professional development for trainers in how to adapt their practises to enhance learning and assessment outcomes.
As an avid VET practitioner who regularly provides professional development webinars and training workshops across state/territory and national platforms, she brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table in discussing VET issues and directions for the professionalisation and promotion of VET as the underpinning educational sector for career and vocational outcomes both nationally and internationally.
Kenneth Scott Huntley (please call him Scott) is an Instructional Designer for the Student Management System Program Project at TAFE NSW. He has been a teacher of web design in the past and has previously worked as a consultant and trainer for an LMS services company, specialising in Moodle.
Scott also consultants and trains people in the use of the WordPress content management system, and has been known to tinker with Internet-of-Things microcontroller boards. Scott is interested in exploring where we can take education and training in the future with exciting new technologies enabling us to truly think outside the box.
Serryn O'Regan is General Counsel at Evolve College, with 25 years' experience in law and business. A very senior lawyer, and a former Senior Associate at Allens, Serryn has managed legal deals worth up to A$2.4 Billion, and has also been Director of the Worldwide Program at an international charity based in Washington DC where she coordinated 10,000 groups across 190 countries and forged and coordinated a partnership with the United Nations.
Serryn O'Regan has significant experience in leadership, organisational change, and regulatory affairs. She has extensive experience in excelling in a heavily regulated environment and has a knack for making the 'have-to's' simple, enabling space for an organisation to truly excel in what it is there to bring.
Serryn is a seasoned public presenter, having presented to crowds of up to 30,000 in China and Japan as well as delivering presentations to VET audiences on the regulatory framework in VET, and the true meaning of quality in the sector, including a co-presentation of a Q&A session with the ASQA Chief Commissioner Mark Paterson. Serryn has been a senior in-house legal counsel in 3 regulatory industries and brings an absoluteness and impeccable integrity together with a real passion for education.
Sharon has a knack for making the complex simple. She believes that ‘passionate people persuade’ and that to make your message stick, you need to balance information with delivery style. Sharon’s background is in sales and marketing and along the way has studied business administration, marketing, management, journalism as well as more eclectic skills including comedy, improvisation and the art of persuasion.
As an award winning speaker and salesperson Sharon uses her skills to help people become persuasive and influential speakers. She works with individuals and organisations from a diverse range of industries across Australia and overseas.
Tamara Simon is Australia’s Only Dedicated RTO Business Coach who knows the key to RTO success lies in your Strategy, People and Systems.
A very popular Speaker and Author who calls it like it is; Tamara is driven to helping overwhelmed RTO CEOs/Managers turn ideas into profitable solutions by developing simple systems.
With over 20 years experience in VET and business management including being FITAB’s CEO, Tamara’s mantra to RTOs is “if you don’t like compliance, and don’t like change, then don’t work for an RTO or be one”.
Tamara has written the first and only business book specifically for RTOs: The Five Little RTO Pigs, and has developed Australia’s only 12 week PD program for anyone running or aspiring to run an RTO called RTO GROW.
Tamara’s leadership and management expertise was recognised as a Finalist in the Qld Telstra Business Women’s Awards and IML’s Excellence Awards; and she received QITC’s ‘Leadership in VET’ Award.
Toby Jones has a love and passion for both teaching and emerging technologies which has led him to spend the last 10 years in the education and tech sectors of the UK and Australia. Despite this, he still speaks in completely plain English (Queens English) with no buzz words, abbreviations or jargon.
Toby likes nothing more than being on stage to share ideas, hear from others and most of all talk about complicated things in terms that everyone can understand. Toby fully believes that anyone can learn anything if they have the right teacher.
Tony Kirton is an instructional designer and workshop facilitator with more than ten years’ experience in learning and development. Founder and senior designer at resource design consultancy Engage Learning and Development (formerly DES Learning), which contracts to the public and private sector, Tony develops traditional learning programs as well as e-learning using Articulate Storyline. Tony has extensive experience in the application of learning design theory, having designed many training programs and hundreds of assessment resources.
Tony’s recent instructional projects include major programs for:
Known for his engaging and evidence-based approach to workplace learning, Tony also facilitates training and assessment with some of Australia’s leading training providers including the Australian Institute of Management, NSW Health and SafeWork NSW.
Continuing to extend his expertise and keep up-to-date with the latest practices in learning and development, Tony recently completed a four-month leadership program with the University of Michigan.
He is currently completing an Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters program with the University of Maryland (USA).
In addition to his current studies, some of Tony’s existing qualifications include:
Wendy Walker’s team are responsible for administering the Australian Training Awards, the Australian VET Alumni (including UNESCO recognised Australian Apprenticeships Ambassadors) and the VET Information Strategy - real skills for real careers. These programs contribute to promoting VET as a first-choice career pathway. Wendy will be joined by Queensland members of the Australian VET Alumni. Australian VET Alumni are a national community of VET graduates, VET practitioners, registered training organisations (RTOs), secondary schools, and businesses dedicated to sharing their VET journey with Australians to encourage greater participation and best practice in VET. For more information, visit Alex passionately leads the development of partnerships and the brand while championing young Australians in skills and trades excellence at WorldSkills Australia. Alex brings a wealth of knowledge from solution selling, event strategy and brand awareness through strengthening relationships. Through her work at WorldSkills Australia, she is determined to give VET the voice it deserves and show the world how important skills are.
Co-Founder of Year13, Australia's largest digital platform for high school leavers, Will Stubley is passionate about industry's role in the transitional period from high-school. Utilising his engineering background, Will is responsible for research, digital product development and strategy.
In 2016 he directed the development of a strategy for the Australian Government's Department of Employment regarding effective communication with young people and is part of the Department of Education and Training's 'Real Skills for Real Careers' initiative to promote VET in Australia. He regularly speaks at events about youth employment issues, and authored Year13's research series 'After the ATAR'.
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