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Save   Share 13 & 14 September 2018

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

8:30am - 9:00am
9:00am - 12:00pm
Master Class
Troubleshooting the TAS
Kerri Buttery & Melanie Alexandra
The Balancing Act: Meeting compliance and people needs
John Price
12:30pm - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Master Class
Focus on Foundation Skills: Essential for the future VET workforce
Ann Leske, Chemene Sinson & Dave Tout
The Black Art of Compliant Assessment
Joe Newbery

Thursday, 13 September 2018

7:30am - 9:00am
9:00am - 9:10am
Welcome to Country
9:10am - 9:20am
The VET Landscape - Kerri Buttery, Director of Content & Strategy, Velg Training
9.20am - 9.30am
Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash MP, Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills and Vocational Education
9.30am - 9.40am
Minister's Address
9:40am - 10:00am
ASQA Update
10:00am - 10:30am
Raising the Status of VET: Real skills for real careers in action
10:30am - 10:40am
10:40am - 11:10am
Morning Tea & Networking
11:20am - 12:50pm
Hall K - Department of Education & Training
Australian Government Skills and Training Initiatives
Representatives from the Department of Education & Training and Career Industry Council of Australia
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
What's in your RTO Suitcase?
Tamara Simon ● 
Passion, Purpose and Perseverance in VET
Lauren Hollows ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
Common Sense Approaches for Quality Materials
Michelle Charlton ● 
Mastering Edutainment
Marc Ratcliffe ● 
Hall C - VET Shaper
VET Sector Utopia: What would it look like?
Angela McGregor ● 
Hall E - International VET
International Education in Australia: Understanding the opportunities and managing the risks
Claire Field ● 
Hall G - eLearning
eLearning FUNdamentals for Excelling in eLearning Engagement
Damian Noud ● 
12:50pm - 1:50pm
Networking Lunch
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Hall K - Department of Education & Training
USI Update & Privacy Protection: It's a business imperative
Jason Coutts & Karin Van Eed
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
Life (and Business) After ASQA Sanctions
Alex Schroder ● 
Keeping it Simple: What should my quality system look like?
John Price ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
The Answer to Assessment is NOT in the TAE
Mitch Cleary ● 
Build Learning Success Through Collaboration
Jason Ash ● 
Hall C - VET Shaper
Paving the Way for Industry 4.0 Training
Megan Lilly ● 
Hall E - International VET
Internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training
Bryan West ● 
Hall G - eLearning
Creating Compliant Online Assessments
Allison Miller ● 
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Afternoon Tea & Networking
3:40pm - 4:40pm
Hall K - Department of Education & Training
VET Student Loans
Anne Flynn
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
Moving your Leadership Dial: Why we all need to step up - and where to start
Mark Hodgson ● 
Pitch Perfection
Sharon Ferrier ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
Back to Basics
Geoff Oliver ● 
The Future of Competency Based Assessment
Joe Newbery ● 
Hall C - VET Shaper
Multi Industry Pre-apprenticeships
Gary Workman ● 
Hall E - International VET
Legs Eleven Lucky or Unlucky: National Code 2018
Debbie Phipps ● 
Hall G - eLearning
Engaging Online Learning Tools for Training
Kerri Buttery ● 
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Welcome Function

Friday, 14 September 2018

8:15am - 8:45am
Catch up over coffee
8:45am - 9:00am
Day 2 Welcome - Kerri Buttery, Director of Content & Strategy, Velg Training
9:00am - 10:00am
Motivational Speaker
10:00am - 10:30am
Morning Tea & Networking
10:40am - 11:30am
Hall K - Tech in VET
17 Technology Tools to get Your RTO Cooking with Gas!
Marc Ratcliffe ● 
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
Dealing with Difficult People and Giving Effective Feedback
Nick McEwan-Hall ● 
Clear Thinking: Keep your head above the rest
Laurie Kelly ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
What Can we Learn from the Validation of Assessment Tools and Assessment Outcomes?
John Dwyer ● 
Are you a Transformational Trainer?
Merinda Smith ● 
Hall C - Regulator
Regulator Update
David Garner and Benn Gramola
Hall E - Foundation Skills
Behind Foundation Skills: Your questions answered
Panel Session ● 
Hall G - eLearning
WordPress to Moodle (and Vice Versa) with RSS
Scott Huntley ● 
11:40am - 12:30pm
Hall K - Tech in VET
Embracing Cloud Transformation: Anatomy of an RTO
Miranda Hamilton (Do not email) ● 
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
More Data Coming Your Way... To help you make better business decisions
Alison Anlezark & Toni Cavallaro ● 
Training Venues & 9b Compliance: What you need to know
Chris Green ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
Ask a Guru
Guru Panel Session ● 
Engaging all Learners Through the Universal Design for Learning Principles
Jane Goodfellow ● 
Hall C - Regulator
Competency-Based Assessment and Validation
Monica McFadyen
Hall E - Foundation Skills
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Testing: Getting it right
Rachel Leigh Taylor ● 
Hall G - eLearning
Deep Learning, Engagement and Compliance for eLearning
Kathryn McGilvray, Sarah Philips & Natalie Jegorow ● 
12:30pm - 1:20pm
Networking Lunch
1:30pm - 2:20pm
Hall K - Tech in VET
Utilising Technology and Globalisation to Enhance RTO Operations
Maciek Fibrich ● 
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
Do You Want to Party? Third party arrangements!
Carol Hunter ● 
Understanding How Gen Z Transition into Further Education and Employment
William Stubley ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
Trainer & Assessor Requirements: The glitter and the gold
Angela McGregor ● 
Transformative Education: Going back to basics
Isabel Osuna-Gatty ● 
Hall C - Regulator
ASQA's Approach to TAE and New Entrants
Cheryl Edwards
Hall E - Foundation Skills
Keep Calm and Carry a Pentagon
Unknown ● 
Hall G - eLearning
Virtual Reality and Gamification Training in the VET Sector
Maggie Burke and Fay Dart ● 
2:20pm - 2:40pm
Afternoon Tea & Networking
2:50pm - 3:40pm
Hall K - Tech in VET
Automated Attendance Monitoring: Making monitoring attendance easy
Unknown ● 
Hall B - RTO Management & Compliance
Connecting the Quality Dots: How to ensure your RTO is humming
Maria Langwell (Do not email) ● 
Brand Camp: Transforming the Brand of VET in Your RTO
Pauline Duncan ● 
Hall A - Training & Assessing
Simulation Shapers: Using simulation as EoC in lieu of work based evidence
Kestrel Stone ● 
Enhance Learning and Retention with Lessons from the Cognitive Sciences
Tony Kirton ● 
Hall C - Regulator
'I'm an Auditor - Ask Me Anything'
ASQA Representatives
Hall E - Foundation Skills
Old School - New Cool
John Blake ● 
Hall G - eLearning
HTML, CSS & Bootstrap Hacks for eLearning
Scott Huntley ● 
3:50pm - 4:20pm
4:20pm - 4:30pm
Prize Draw & Close

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