As a Member you get access to over 20 hours of additional recorded webinar content.
Q. How do I connect with delegates on the conference App?
A. Go to the App Store (iPhone) or the Google Play Store (Android), search for ‘Velg Training’ and select download/install. This will be the only app under ‘Velg Training’ and our organisation logo will be the image. If you are not already logged in, you will be asked to enter your Apple ID (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) details. You need to have a Velg Training username & password. If you are not a member, you just need to sign up as a subscriber on our home page. Then on the app (after logging in) go to the side panel, profile and allow chat, now you can interact with delegates.
Q. I want to add AV to my booth?
A. Speak to:-
Paul Cleaver the Audio-Visual Project Manager at the ACC
T: (08) 8210 6758
Q. Who is handling booth build?
A. Adelaide Expo Hire, their contact details are as follows:-
Kim Sluggett
Exhibition Sales Coordinator
31 Deeds road
North Plymton SA 5037
T: 08 8350 2306
M: 0417 859 466
Q. I want to add furniture to my booth?
A. Adelaide Expo Hire, their contact details are as follows:-
Kim Sluggett
Exhibition Sales Coordinator
31 Deeds road
North Plymton SA 5037
T: 08 8350 2306
M: 0417 859 466
Q. I need another booth monitor to help me on Day 2?
A. If you visit the information desk, a Velg Training staff member can find a Day 2 Booth Monitor form for you to fill out. There is a cost involved with this, $250.00 (incl. GST).
Q. When can I bump in and bump out?
A. Bump in is from 2:00pm – 6:00pm Wednesday 12th September and bump out is from 3:00pm – 6:30pm Friday 14th September.
Q. Can I bump out early?
A. Yes, however it would be to your own detriment as delegates will no longer be able to visit your booth.
Q. Can my CEO quickly come into the Exhibition Hall to say hello?
A. Unfortunately no, unless you have received approval from Dimity Redcliffe. If you are desperate to have them attend, please find Dimity (or have a Velg Training staff find her) and you may ask her on the day.
Q. I would like another chair for my booth?
A. You can either purchase additional chairs from Adelaide Expo Hire, or you can ask the Adelaide Convention Centre if they have any extra chairs that you can borrow free of charge.
Q. Do you have a Cloak Room?
A. Yes, we do, it is located beside the Customer Service Desk on the ground level of the convention centre.
Q. What are the opening and closing hours of the Cloak Room?
A. Day 1: 7.30am – 8.30pm, Day 2: 8.00am – 5.00pm
Q. What happens if I forgot to collect my items from the Cloak Room on Thursday?
A. Your items will still be in the cloak room on Friday.
Q. Is there anywhere I can charge my phone/laptop?
A. Yes, there are multiple charging stations around the Adelaide Convention Centre.
Q. I have special dietary requirements, where are my meals?
A. The dietary requirement catering station will be clearly marked with the appropriate dietary specifications in the Exhibition Hall.
Q. I forgot to advise of my dietary requirement?
A. Please go to the Info Desk, fill out the dietary requirements form and we will be able to amend your name tag.
Q. Can you give me a delegate listing?
A. No, unfortunately for privacy reasons we are unable to release our delegate listing. You can connect with delegates via the app.
Q. Where can I find a first aid kit?
A. First aid kits can be found at the Adelaide Convention Centre reception. This is located directly inside the Ground Floor entrance.
Q. Where can I find my freight?
A. Freight is to be organised by the individual sponsors and Agility. Sponsors are to complete the delivery label and ensure freight is only organised with Agility. The porter will collect freight and bring it to your booth.
Q. I would like to work remotely at the conference, will there be wireless internet available?
A. Yes, Velg Training has arranged for access to free Wireless Internet for all conference attendees. Both the user name and password are VelgTraining.
Q. What happens if I forget my lanyard on Day 2?
A. Please visit a Velg Training Staff member at the Registration/Info desk and they will arrange for a new lanyard to be printed.
Q. Do I need to carry the lanyard with me?
A. Yes, you need to wear your lanyard at all times as this grants you access to all areas of the National VET Conference.
Q. Where are the lifts located?
A. The lifts are located on the Ground Level, North Terrace Hall L and near the Atrium Entrance outside Hall L.
Q. Is there a prayer room?
A. Non-denominational male and female prayer rooms are located in the Skyward Room.
Q. We donated a prize, how does this work?
A. Notification of a Sponsor prize must be sumitted in writing to Velg Training prior to the National Conference requesting a prize to be listed on the Velg Training app. It is the sole responsibility of the sponsor to notify winners and distribute prizes.
Q. We forgot to donate a prize, can I do this now?
A. As you can see we have already the prize list on the Velg Training app. What you can do is just run a business card draw on your own booth and run that independently. This will still be successful as it will drive people to visit you!
Q. Where can I find a copy of the program?
A. Sponsors receive one satchel bag per booth which includes a Handbook. A program can be found in the centrefold of this Handbook.
Q. I am a booth monitor, can I access presentations?
A. Unfortunately because you have not paid for full access to the National VET Conference, you are unable to attend any conference sessions.
Q. Is there parking at the Adelaide Convention Centre?
A. The Adelaide Convention Centre operates two convenient on-site car parks. Their location is directly under the Centre.
Accessible from King William Road and Morphett Road via Festival Drive
Accessible from North Terrace via Station Road
Located directly under the Centre
700 undercover car spaces
Access the Centre, Riverbank Promenade and Regattas Bistro + bar via elevator
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Credit /Debit cards accepted at exit. 1.5% surcharge applies to Visa, MasterCard, Diners and Amex
Clearance 2.0 metres
North Terrace Car Park
Accessible from North Terrace
Located directly under the Centre
400 car spaces
Access the Centre via elevator
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Credit /Debit cards accepted at exit. 1.5% surcharge applies to Visa, MasterCard, Diners and Amex
Clearance 2.0 metres
Q. Is there a Pharmacy near the Conference Centre?
A. The closest Pharmacy is located on Hindley Street.
Q. How does the RnR Bar work?
A. Free neck, back and hand massages will be available for delegates between 10.30am and 5.30pm on both days at the Velg Training Booth. You will need to book in to secure a time for your massage.
Q. I want to book in to sponsor the 2019NVC?
A. You are able to do this already. In your satchel there is a copy of the 2019 National VET Conference Sponsorship Handbook. This has all the information you need to book in to be a sponsor again next year, including a booking form. You can fill out this form and hand it to Tina at the Velg Training Membership booth. If you book in and pay within 7 days, you will receive a 5% discount.
Q. Is there storage for booth boxes, empty suitcases etc?
A. There will be limited on-site storage facilities for packing materials and boxes. It is recommended that exhibitors consider their storage needs (of packing crates and freight forwarding materials) for the duration of the exhibition. Exhibitors may not leave boxes and packing material in the exhibition display area during the show.
Exhibitors or their stand-builders requiring offsite storage during the show, must pre-book these services in advance with Agility. Charges apply. Please do not just assume that Agility will be onsite.
To avoid disappointment, you must complete the MATERIALS HANDLING FORM SECTION C OF THE FORM (included in your manual) and return it to Agility at least 1 week prior to the show.
Q. Where can I get a taxi from?
A. There is a taxi rank located on North Terrace.
Q. Where are the toilets located?
A. Multiple toilets are located on each level of the convention centre and are clearly marked.
Q. I am a sponsor, can I attend the Welcome Function and do I need to buy a ticket?
A. You do not need to buy a ticket; the Welcome Function is complimentary for all sponsors.
Q. What should I wear to the conference and the Welcome Function?
A. Although the Welcome Function is cocktail dress, most attendees will go straight from the conference to the event, so please wear whatever you are comfortable in. The location is fully air conditioned.
Q. Where is the Welcome Function located?
A. The Welcome Function is located in the Panorama Ballroom.
Q. Can I bring along a partner to the Welcome Function?
A. Yes, you can. Please see the Registration Desk and complete a form. The cost will be $99.00.
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