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RTO/Compliance Manager
Angela McGregor is the owner and principal consultant of RTO Consulting who has been offering consulting services throughout Australia, providing guidance, coaching and assistance to businesses wanting to become a RTO, existing RTOs and businesses wanting to develop nationally accredited courses and those looking to establish systems and processes to ensure compliance.
As a practitioner dedicated to sharing knowledge, Angela has consulted through many forums pertaining to compliance issues and improvement strategies for training and assessment services. Angela is known for her current industry, knowledge and success in developing accredited courses and track record in setting up RTOs and assisting RTOs with compliance against the VET Quality Framework.
Carol Hunter has spent over twenty years working in both operational and strategic roles in VET. She is the Principal of RTO Services and Consulting. She has held positions as Director Training Quality and Regulation, Department of Education and Training ; Manager, Audit Services, Training Quality and Regulation, Department of Education and Training (Queensland); Manager, Training Secretariat to Training and Employment Recognition Council and Training Employment Board ; Faculty Director Logan TAFE and various other VET positions in apprenticeships, curriculum, teaching etc.
Carol has used her experience in assisting a range of stakeholders develop contextually appropriate best practice applications and solutions in a variety of VET domains. She has also worked in operational roles in both public and private RTOs, in policy and curriculum development; and as a secondary school teacher.
RTO/Compliance Manager
Claire Field is the Principal of Claire Field and Associates, a consultancy and advisory practice offering strategic advice on international education, VET and private higher education to providers, government and other tertiary education stakeholders. Previously Claire served as the CEO of ACPET from 2010 – 2014. Prior to ACPET Claire worked in a number of State and Commonwealth government roles, including establishing the Commonwealth’s first national VET regulator, NARA. She has also worked in both TAFE NSW and a leading, national, not-for-profit VET provider. Claire holds a Masters in Educational Assessment, and an Executive Masters in Public Administration.
David Garner is the Principal Consultant at [consult dg] and provides advice, development and research to the VET sector. He has worked in a variety of compliance related roles for over 15 years.
Most recently, as the General Manager Regulatory Operations for the Australian Skills Quality Authority, David was responsible for implementing ASQA’s regulatory strategy nationally, including monitoring compliance of both training providers, and intending providers, against the VET Quality Framework and Educational Services for Overseas Students Act.
David was also Director, Training Quality, in the Queensland Department of Education and Training. Prior to joining the Queensland department in 2005, David worked in and managed training providers for many years. David has been active in sports administration for over 30 years and sat for many years on the board of the Queensland Fitness, Sport and Recreation Skills Alliance.
John Dwyer is a national VQF/AQTF trainer/assessor and consultant with experience in education and training spanning more than 60 years. He brings extensive Registered Training Organisation (RTO) experience and has a comprehensive history in developing and delivering a range of workshops and webinars on assessment, compliance, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), moderation and validation processes relating to VQF/AQTF compliance.
John Price has been an educator and trainer for over 40 years and in that time has worked as a Head of Department at TAFE, mentor, facilitator of national workshops covering delivery and assessment, risk management, auditing, leadership and interpersonal skill development.
John has been a keynote speaker at conventions and conferences, and maintained a grass roots level approach to dealing with people at all levels of the organisation.
He has also assisted over 300 organisations in Australia to achieve quality certification to the range of National Training Standards including: Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations (versions 2012 and 2015); Australian Quality Training Framework standards (AQTF from 2001 – 2010) Australian and International ISO9001 standards (AS/NZS and ISO from 1987 – 2008) and worked with these organisations in establishing continuous improvement systems and strategies.
Jonathan's expertise is in policy design, market analysis and evaluation with a focus on the VET and higher education sectors.
As Director at the Nous Group and Principal of The 5Rs Partnership, Jon works extensively with governments, universities and training organisations to understand and meet student, community and industry expectations, both in Australia and overseas. Jon has worked with a large number of tertiary education and training providers to investigate levels of unmet demand for education and training, benchmark delivery profiles, review market strategies, and identify opportunities for expansion and growth.
Jon’s particular area of expertise is in the design and economics of government funding and finance across the tertiary education sector. Jon has led the research, analysis, modelling and consultation components on a number of projects for government focussed on tertiary funding and financing, policy analysis and program design. Jon was recently a co-author of Funding an Expanded Tertiary System: Designing a coherent financing architecture, published in Visions for Australian Tertiary Education by the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne.
Jon is a director of Conservation Volunteers Australia.
Digital Literacy Licence (DLL) is the brainchild of Kerri Buttery, who founded the company in 2021 after a rewarding, decades-long career in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.
Kerri's first foray into education saw her delivering VET in Schools (VETiS) programs in Queensland as a qualified secondary school teacher. This evolved into working as an auditor in the VET sector, then as a consultant assisting RTOs in maintaining compliance and delivering quality eLearning solutions
Kerri is also the founder of VETNexus. An Organisation that works alongside education providers to strengthen the relationship between compliance, technology and innovation.
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