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Save   Share 14 & 15 September 2017

Feedback from 1,341 People who attended

2017 National VET Conference


    Quality of information provided

    How information was presented

    Expected content covered


    Value provided

    Level of interactivity

    Online platform (via Zoom)


    Knowledge displayed

    Presentation skills

    Time management

Positive aspects of this training

"It is the benchmark for vocational education in Australia, and provides the most comprehensive networking provisions and attendance of professionals and specialists. "
W Bechteler - Futura Group

"What a great conference - again! I typically hate conferences. This conference is so well organised, has the range of development opportunities, and has some really good information. The addition of the master classes on day one was a big plus and enabled me to attend them this year too. Well done to everyone at VELG."
D Sachse - Open Minds

"It is a fantastic conference and run very professionally. It is great for my PD and as validation that my RTO is on the right track to maintain compliance."
M Scherer - Department of Planning Transport & Infrastructure - Public Transport Services

"The topics delivered were excellent, it was hard selecting one session when all sessions being delivered were beneficial."
R Oakley - Housing Industry Association

How the training could be improved

"Numbers of sessions need to be managed into rooms as there was an overflow of participants with no space/seating."
P Bulatao - Australia Fitness Network

"More 'advanced' topics for experienced VET professionals."
C Jones - WALGA

"More aimed at the advanced audience. I have been involved in RTOs in various positions and felt that some of the information in the topics were basic."
J Braithwaite - TAFE Western

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