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Save   Share 14 & 15 September 2017


13-15 September 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

8.30am - 9.00am
9.00am - 12.00pm
Master Class
Quality Engagement and Generation C
John Price, Kerri Buttery, Robert Lowe & Raymond Simpson
The Sharp Edge of Compliance - Sometimes!
Joe Newbery
12.30pm - 1.00pm
1.00pm - 4.00pm
Master Class
Reigniting your VET Career
Mark Hodgson
A Guide for RTO Managers: Planning for quality training and assessment
Kerrie-Anne Sommerfeld

Thursday, 14 September 2017

7:30am - 9.00am
Registration, Tea & Coffee
9.00am - 9.10am
Welcome to Country
9.10am - 9.30am
VET Landscape
9.30am - 9.45am
9.45am - 10.45am
Global Futurist
10.45am - 11.15am
Morning Tea & Networking
11.25am - 12.55pm
Department of Education & Training
Skilling Australians Fund
Alexis Diamond
RTO Management & Compliance
Governance That's Built to Last: Innovative techniques to manage an RTO effectively
Marc Ratcliffe ● 
To Grow or Not to Grow: That is the question
Tamara Simon (Do not email) ● 
Training & Assessing
Storytelling in the VET Classroom
Danny Loh (Do not email) ● 
Activating Brand You: Building the confidence and tools to build your influences as a VET leader
Mark Hodgson ● 
VET Shaper
Take the 'Play' out of Role-Play
Geoff Oliver ● 
Foundation Skills
O RLY? Using GIFs & Memes in the LLN Classroom
Mary Brooke ● 
Is eLearning Right for my RTO? or How I learn't the true value of Technology
Julian Ridden ● 
12.55pm - 1.55pm
Networking Lunch
2.05pm - 3.05pm
Department of Education & Training
School to Work Transitions
Ian Barr
RTO Management & Compliance
Helping Business Drive Accelerated Yet Sustainable Growth
Shane Palmada ● 
Digital Learning Environments: A strategic approach for RTO operations
Phill Bevan ● 
Training & Assessing
Training and Assessment Q&A
John Price, Carol Hunter, John Dwyer & Kerrie-Anne Sommerfeld ● 
From Child to Adult; A theatrical experience
Carol Hautot ● 
VET Shaper
The Pendulum of Learner Experience vs Assessment Outcomes
Jason Ash ● 
Foundation Skills
Strong Foundations: Preparing workers for the 21st Century
Chemène Sinson & Ann Leske ● 
Google Apps for Interactive Learning
Kathryn McGilvray ● 
3.05pm - 3.35pm
Afternoon Tea & Networking
3.45pm - 4.45pm
Department of Education & Training
Speaking from the coal front! Hear from members of the national VET Alumni
Daniel Kelty, Tyrone Pynor, Jessica Baczynski and Isabel Osuna-Gatty
RTO Management & Compliance
Quality & Compliance: A formidable intertwined (or inseperable) team
John Price ● 
Quality Management Processes for Reviewing Assessment Practices
Carol Hunter ● 
Training & Assessing
Achieving Quality and Efficiency in VET: Is it possible?
Joe Newbery ● 
WorldSkills Australia Competitions – oh the places you will go!
WorldSkills Australia ● 
VET Shaper
Future Proof your RTO Through Educational Entrepreneurialism
Allison Miller ● 
Foundation Skills
Making LLN Connections: Preparing workers for the 21st Century
Dave Tout ● 
Immersive, Social, and Personal Approaches to Online Student Experiences
Sarah Phillips ● 
5.00pm - 8.00pm
Welcome Function

Friday, 15 September 2017

8.15am - 8.40am
Catch up over coffee
8.40am - 8.45am
Kerri Buttery, Velg Training
8.45am - 9.00am
How Industry Leadership is Strengthening the VET Sector
9.00am - 9.30am
ASQA Update
9.30am - 10.00am
The Honourable Karen Andrews MP
10.00am - 10.30am
Morning Tea & Networking
10.40am - 11.30am
Department of Education & Training
VET Student Loans
David Fintan
RTO Management & Compliance
Changes to Funding Contracts and What This Means for your Business
Nick McEwan-Hall & Marie Vassallo ● 
Alison Anlezark ● 
Training & Assessing
Mapping for Quality Assurance
Kerri Buttery ● 
Mental Health & VET Students
Marina Tomasevic ● 
ASQA Update
David Garner
Foundation Skills
The FSK: Building foundation skills
Tim Rawlings & David Tout ● 
Writing Quality eLearning Video Scripts
Unknown ● 
11.40am - 12.30pm
Department of Education & Training
The USI: Keeping national training collection records together
Saloni Sharan & Alison Anlezark
RTO Management & Compliance
Ensure your Marketing Material is Compliant
Angela McGregor ● 
Australian VET Funding: How did we get here and where are we headed?
Jonathan Chew ● 
Training & Assessing
Educator vs Trainer: Join a voyage of discovery with learning as the end game!
Darrel Vecchio ● 
Developing You: CPD for Standard 1.16
Neil Von Heupt ● 
Delivery Strategies That Meet Learner Needs
Gayatri Mahesh & Nadine Khoury
Foundation Skills
What Do Foundation Skills Mean for the 'General' Trainer/Assessor
John Dwyer ● 
The Webinar Formula to Extend Brand, Recruit Students and Support Learners
Unknown ● 
12.30pm - 1.30pm
Networking Lunch
1.40pm - 2.30pm
Department of Education & Training
Transformational Learning
Isabel Gatty
RTO Management & Compliance
The 3 Ps - Preparation, Participant and Post-Audit
Jennine Cochrane ● 
VET Student Loans Ombudsman
Lee Katauskas & Angela Notaras
Training & Assessing
The Masterful Craft of Manipulation
Laurie Kelly ● 
The Six Steps to Killing them from the Podium
Gerry Gannon ● 
Risk-Based Regulation – what does it really mean?
Gayatri Mahesh & Margaret Foran
Foundation Skills
Describing the Capabilities of Foundation Skills Practitioners
Anita Roberts ● 
Knowledge Management and Social Learning for Newbies
David Lang ● 
2.30pm - 3.00pm
Afternoon Tea & Networking
3.10pm - 4.00pm
Department of Education & Training

RTO Management & Compliance
The Six Steps to Killing them from the Podium - Repeat
Gerry Gannon ● 
Start with Why: Engagement, compliance and quality will follow
Lauren Hollows ● 
Training & Assessing
An Organic Look at Competency Progression
Graham Rodgers ● 
The Road to VET Quality: Empowering students to embrace curiosity
Jenny Field ● 
Panel Session – Ask an auditor
David Garner, Gayatri Mahesh, Jane Connors, Margaret Foran & Nadine Khoury
Foundation Skills
Foundation Skills on the Front Lines: A practical guide to overcoming barriers to learning
David Cunning ● 
Designing Compliant Online Assessment
Tania Gomez ● 
4.10pm - 4.30pm
Prize Draw and Close

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