As a Member you get access to over 20 hours of additional recorded webinar content.
7:00 am - 8:30 am Registration |
8:30 am - 8:50 am Official Open |
8:50 am - 9:30 am ASQA Update |
9:30 am - 9:45 am Housekeeping |
9:45 am - 10:15 am Morning Tea and Networking |
10:25 am - 11: 55am
Auditing your RTO: How to Conduct an Internal Audit & Understanding What Auditors are Looking For.
Kevin Ekendahl |
Leadership Metamorphosis - Transforming Yourself for Success
Jason Blinman |
Training/Student Engagement
Visual and Vocal Image: Communication Skills to Inspire, Engage and Increase Understanding.
Tony Kirton |
Simulation Sushi Train
Sarah Phillips & Melissa Palmer |
VET in Schools
Fostering Positive and Meaningful Partnerships with External Providers of VET in Schools
Melanie Alexandra |
12:05 pm - 12:35 pm Let's Celebrate Training the Nation: Transforming Lives |
12:40 pm - 1:40 pm Lunch and Networking |
1:50 pm - 2:50 pm
The Future is Here: Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Education
Toby Jones |
Artificial Intelligence: The Rise of AI and How VET is Responding
Lauren Hollows |
How to Document Observation Assessments Properly
Coleen Rivas |
VET in Schools
Transforming STEM-based Youth Study Pathways from School into VET Engineering (Adv. Manufacturing)
Ben Jenkinson |
The Critical Role Training Plays in the Development of Defence Capabilities
Dr Phil Rutherford |
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Sector Risk Priorities
Claire Bunkum |
Transforming Your RTO: A Practical Guide to Boosting Enrolments and Increasing Efficiencies through Automated Nurturing
Tracie Parisi |
Training/Student Engagement
Engaging the Non-engaged... Teaching how THEY Learn
Laurie Kelly |
Enterprise RTO Challenges and Pitfalls - Training Volunteer Emergency Services
Stephen Huntley |
VET in Schools
School Career Development Practitioners and the Future of VET STEM Careers
Melanie Evangelista |
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Afternoon Tea and Networking |
4:20 pm - 5:20 pm
Empowering Trainers & Assessors Through Digital Literacy
Kerri Buttery |
Quality Reforms Update
Katerina Lawler |
Let's Talk About the New Draft Standards
David Garner |
An Engaged Trainer = An Engaged Student: The Recipe for Success
Josh Michel |
Authentic Leadership - The Practice
Janelle Manton |
5:30pm - 8:30pm WELCOME FUNCTION |
7:00 am - 8:30 am |
Registration |
8:30 am - 8:50 am |
Official Open |
8:50 am - 9:30 am |
ASQA Update Saxon Rice, Chief Executive Officer at Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) |
9:30 am - 9:45 am |
Housekeeping |
9:45 am - 10:15 am |
Morning Tea and Networking |
Training/Student Engagement
VET in Schools
10:25 am - 11: 55am |
Auditing your RTO: How to Conduct an Internal Audit & Understanding What Auditors are Looking For.
Kevin Ekendahl |
Leadership Metamorphosis - Transforming Yourself for Success
Jason Blinman |
Visual and Vocal Image: Communication Skills to Inspire, Engage and Increase Understanding.
Tony Kirton |
Simulation Sushi Train
Sarah Phillips & Melissa Palmer |
Fostering Positive and Meaningful Partnerships with External Providers of VET in Schools
Melanie Alexandra |
12:05 pm - 12:35 pm |
Let's Celebrate Training the Nation: Transforming Lives |
12:40 pm - 1:40 pm |
Lunch and Networking |
VET in Schools
1:50 pm - 2:50 pm |
The Future is Here: Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Education
Toby Jones |
Artificial Intelligence: The Rise of AI and How VET is Responding
Lauren Hollows |
How to Document Observation Assessments Properly
Coleen Rivas |
Transforming STEM-based Youth Study Pathways from School into VET Engineering (Adv. Manufacturing)
Ben Jenkinson |
The Critical Role Training Plays in the Development of Defence Capabilities
Dr Phil Rutherford |
Training/Student Engagement
VET in Schools
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm |
Sector Risk Priorities
Claire Bunkum |
Transforming Your RTO: A Practical Guide to Boosting Enrolments and Increasing Efficiencies through Automated Nurturing
Tracie Parisi |
Engaging the Non-engaged... Teaching how THEY Learn
Laurie Kelly |
Enterprise RTO Challenges and Pitfalls - Training Volunteer Emergency Services
Stephen Huntley |
School Career Development Practitioners and the Future of VET STEM Careers
Melanie Evangelista |
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm |
Afternoon Tea and Networking |
4:20 pm - 5:20 pm |
Empowering Trainers & Assessors Through Digital Literacy
Kerri Buttery |
Quality Reforms Update
Katerina Lawler |
Let's Talk About the New Draft Standards
David Garner |
An Engaged Trainer = An Engaged Student: The Recipe for Success
Josh Michel |
Authentic Leadership - The Practice
Janelle Manton |
5:30pm - 8:30pm |
8:00 am - 8:30am Arrival Tea and Coffee |
8.30 am - 9.00 am Welcome to Day 2 |
9:00 am - 10:00 am Motivational Speaker |
10:00 am - 10:30 am Morning Tea and Networking |
10:40 am - 11:40 am
The Learner Profile: How Digital Credentials Are Reshaping the Future of Education
Harry Dimitroff & Nicholas Robert |
Digital Literacy Needs, Tools, and Experiences
Dr Deniese Cox and Chemène Sinson |
Training/Student Engagement
Amplifying Learning Using C.O.R.E.
Jason Ash |
Hands On/Hands Up
Interactive workshop: Using Technology to Design Engaging Digital Learning Content.
Matthew Dale |
How to Properly Support Neurodistinct Students in Training and Education
Will Wheeler |
11:50 am - 12:35 pm
The Simple Formula for Easy, Compliant and Contextualised Assessments That Trainers Won't Hate.
Lauren Hollows |
Changing the Landscape of RTO Compliance With Self-Assurance
Loraine D'Silva |
Practical, Research-backed Strategies for Online Teaching Success
Dr Deniese Cox |
What are the Cyber Security Governance Principles Every RTO Decision Maker Needs to Know?
Nancy Pavlovic |
VET in Schools
Successfully Training Up-and-Coming Generations in a Post-Pandemic World
Marianne Bateup |
12:40 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch and Networking |
1:40 pm - 2:40 pm
Is it Compliant or Not?
Angela McGregor |
Beyond the Standard: Motivators of high-performing RTOs
Joanne Waugh |
Training/Student Engagement
10 Digital Resources That Add WOW to Your Training!
Marc Ratcliffe |
Constellation Practices: Lighting Up Your People
Kay Schlesinger |
Aligning Overseas Qualifications with Australian Standards for Global Recognition
Bernard Agana |
2:45 pm - 3:05 pm Afternoon Tea and Networking |
3:15 pm - 4:00pm
UPlearning with Online Students
Donna Mortlock |
Ensuring Fit and Proper Persons
Melinda Cox |
Professional Development for Trainers in Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD): A Case Study.
Fay Staios and Lauren Zelunka |
Reasonable Adjustment: What is Reasonable, What is Not?
Coleen Rivas |
VET in Schools
A Self-assessment Tool to Help Plan, Implement and Review VET Programs in Schools
Sam Schischka |
8:00 am - 8:30am |
Arrival Tea and Coffee |
8.30 am - 9.00 am |
Welcome to Day 2 |
9:00 am - 10:00 am |
Motivational Speaker Michael Crossland |
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Morning Tea and Networking |
Training/Student Engagement
Hands On/Hands Up
10:40 am - 11:40 am |
The Learner Profile: How Digital Credentials Are Reshaping the Future of Education
Harry Dimitroff & Nicholas Robert |
Digital Literacy Needs, Tools, and Experiences
Dr Deniese Cox and Chemène Sinson |
Amplifying Learning Using C.O.R.E.
Jason Ash |
Interactive workshop: Using Technology to Design Engaging Digital Learning Content.
Matthew Dale |
How to Properly Support Neurodistinct Students in Training and Education
Will Wheeler |
VET in Schools
11:50 am - 12:35 pm |
The Simple Formula for Easy, Compliant and Contextualised Assessments That Trainers Won't Hate.
Lauren Hollows |
Changing the Landscape of RTO Compliance With Self-Assurance
Loraine D'Silva |
Practical, Research-backed Strategies for Online Teaching Success
Dr Deniese Cox |
What are the Cyber Security Governance Principles Every RTO Decision Maker Needs to Know?
Nancy Pavlovic |
Successfully Training Up-and-Coming Generations in a Post-Pandemic World
Marianne Bateup |
12:40 pm - 1:30 pm |
Lunch and Networking |
Training/Student Engagement
1:40 pm - 2:40 pm |
Is it Compliant or Not?
Angela McGregor |
Beyond the Standard: Motivators of high-performing RTOs
Joanne Waugh |
10 Digital Resources That Add WOW to Your Training!
Marc Ratcliffe |
Constellation Practices: Lighting Up Your People
Kay Schlesinger |
Aligning Overseas Qualifications with Australian Standards for Global Recognition
Bernard Agana |
2:45 pm - 3:05 pm |
Afternoon Tea and Networking |
VET in Schools
3:15 pm - 4:00pm |
UPlearning with Online Students
Donna Mortlock |
Ensuring Fit and Proper Persons
Melinda Cox |
Professional Development for Trainers in Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD): A Case Study.
Fay Staios and Lauren Zelunka |
Reasonable Adjustment: What is Reasonable, What is Not?
Coleen Rivas |
A Self-assessment Tool to Help Plan, Implement and Review VET Programs in Schools
Sam Schischka |
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The lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 meant that students were expected to learn at home essentially using resources better suited to a classroom environment.
What if homework and even classroom facilitated learning was offered in a more fun and engaging way?
What if students could immerse themselves in a cartoon-like simulation of a business in their industry of interest?
Up Learn is an online platform considered by some students as the educational equivalent to Nexflix. Up Learn uses AI and cognitive sciences to boost student interactivity and success.
In this session, Donna will demonstrate how Blueprint Career Development use the Up Learn system to "help make it real" for students.
Donna has a string of letters behind her name and almost none of them relate to her two current passions! With over 25 years experience in VET, she now focusses on developing learning products and methodologies that engage and inspire learners. These range from the unique Certificate III in Personal Empowerment offered by Blueprint Career Development, to creating online simulations for training in TAE, hospitality and business.
Donna is described as a dynamic trainer who demonstrates a flair for innovation. With her wide ranging experience and high energy levels, Donna is able to inspire others long after she has left the training venue.
A registered training organization must ensure the integrity of those in governance positions .
What does this mean for your organisation and what ASQA is expecting of registered training organisations?
This session will go through expectations under the NVETR Act.
Find out what is required and this means for what ASQA is expecting from you. Join ASQA for this session to gain further regulatory awareness, and consider practical strategies for good governance and compliance.
Melinda is the Director of Regulatory Policy and Standards Implementation at ASQA.
She joined ASQA six months ago, continuing a 20+ year career in the employment and training services sectors.
Melinda’s team is responsible for working with providers and government stakeholders to help ensure the regulatory policy settings in VET are fit-for-purpose, focussed on continuous improvement in terms of both quality and integrity across the sector, while still being sufficiently flexible to support provider innovation and excellence.
In 2022 Turning Point, Australia’s leading national centre for AOD treatment, research and education and training was funded by the Department of Health (Vic) to deliver a train the trainer program, to provide professional development to TAFE teachers who deliver AOD units and qualifications.
The purpose of this session is to showcase and outline a new pilot train the trainer program, and show how industry can be directly involved in upskilling trainers.
This new professional development model could potentially be replicated by other sectors and this session could provide you with an innovative perspective and some new ideas.
About Fay:
Fay Staios is an experienced Director/Manager who has worked in both Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training (public and NGO) for over 25 years, across a range of sectors.
Her experience includes work at a federal agency implementing public policy in education at a national level, working with all jurisdictions across Australia. Fay holds a degree in Education and a post graduate degree in Business.
About Lauren:
Lauren is an education officer at Turning Point working in a number of programs including BreakThrough: Families Understanding Addiction and VET courses.
As part of the BreakThrough team, Lauren develops content and facilitates online and face-to-face education and support sessions for families across Victoria dealing with a loved one's drug use. Lauren is a qualified counsellor and has worked in the AOD for the past 10 years in both community and residential services. Throughout this time, Lauren has also completed a graduate certificate in Addictive behaviours and holds a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
RTOs are obligated to provide reasonable adjustment under legislation. The Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 also include requirements to provide support services to individual learners, and ensure assessment is fair by providing reasonable adjustment where appropriate.
This session aims to provide RTOs and assessors with clarity around what types of adjustments are reasonable, and what are not.
The session will explore the following topics:
The presenter has identified this session as suitable for trainers, assessors and RTO staff who are involved in enrolling and supporting students.
Coleen is the Managing Director of Raspberry Training and Consulting.
She has 20 years of experience in the VET sector having owned and managed various RTOs, and she is an experienced instructional designer and VET professional.
She is passionate about quality vocational education and the delivery of best practice competency assessment.
The VET self-assessment tool helps schools plan, implement and review VET programs that offer nationally recognised qualifications from industry-developed training packages or accredited courses.
The self-assessment tool is for:
Using the tool will help schools to:
With a career spanning over 25 years in the design, development and management of enterprise digital platforms, Sam Schischka serves as the Product Manager for the National Careers Institute (NCI) flagship career guidance website, Your Career. In this role, he provides both technical and customer experience insight for product development and design on the Your Career and My Skills websites.
Instrumental in the initial design and development of the Your Career website, Sam officially flicked the switch in October 2020 to launch the governments digital source of truth for career development advice and support. In the nearly three years since the platform was released, he has been the key business assurance and technical subject matter expert for the NCI, as the site underwent two significant functional and visual upgrades.
During this interactive session delivered by Angela McGregor and co-presented by Kerri Buttery, we will be looking at examples of audit evidence and asking the question is it compliant or not? The examples presented will cover the standards most commonly found to be non-compliant. We will show and discuss examples of both good and poor practice by examining a range of audit evidence to highlight the common and often avoidable compliance mistakes. You will be able to walk away from this session and apply your knowledge in your RTO.
Examples presented during this session are based on common non-compliances according to ASQA reports and observations from independent audits conducted by Angela.
The session provides:
Owner and principal consultant of RTO Consulting (since 1999) Angela McGregor is an RTO mentor and consultant. Specialising in compliance mentoring, course accreditation and RTO set ups.
Angela’s passion for training and the VET sector has resulted in the creation of on demand professional development courses for administrators, trainers and anyone wanting to develop their compliance knowledge.
Having owned her own RTO for 9 years Angela has first hand experience and understanding of the rewards and challenges of operating an RTO.
RTO quality remains a topic of great interest to VET users and governments as the sector adapts to skill Australia’s current and future workforce. All RTOs must adhere to minimum quality standards, but some deliver above and beyond those standards. This presentation will share the results of research that interrogated what motivates such RTOs to pursue high performance.
High performing RTOs, those that deliver outstanding outcomes for students and/or industry, were invited to participate in interviews to explore: their understanding of high performance, what motivates them to pursue high performance, how that is embedded into business practices and how they determine if they are high performers.
Four motivational themes were found, operationalised through the use of a transformational leadership style and guided by training and delivery values that place students at the centre of learning. Encouraging RTOs to adopt performance promoting values and building RTO leadership skills may provide policymakers and VET stakeholders another mechanism through which to secure quality and consistency in VET training and delivery.
Joanne is an early career researcher with 15 years’ experience working in the Australian VET sector.
Joanne has worked as a VET trainer, as an industry liaison developing training package content and in VET policy for the South Australian government.
Her research interest include qualitative research in education access, equity and pathways.
Whether you a looking to create more dynamic learning experiences or improve the look and feel of your courseware, digital resources play an important role in organising content, capturing attention, and reinforcing your messages. This session will explore 10 digital resource sites that add that wow factor to your training and raise the engagement levels of learners.
This will include collaboration tools, content creators, video makers, as well as sites that unlock the power of AI to fast-track image creation, slide development and online learning resource development. Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate each of the 10 digital resources and consider how they could be used to support their own training and assessment practice.
Key Outcomes:
Marc is a multi-award-winning trainer, author and education entrepreneur. He is the CEO and founder of MRWED Training and Assessment, a private RTO that specialises in Trainer Training.
He is a strong advocate for "edu-tainment" and believes that learner involvement and fun are integral to student success. He continues to be an in demand conference speaker and workshop facilitator, having presented at more than 50 conferences in a dozen countries in the past decade and was recently named as the winner of the “Best Training and Development Leadership” Award for 2017 at the World Training and Development Congress in Mumbai.
The intention of this session is to introduce the innovative concept of Constellation Practices to leaders/managers.
The session will refocus ways of working with educational teams to optimise achievement, involvement and intentional connectivity.
We will explore 6 areas for enhanced leadership practices to empower connected educational teams to work effectively using a collaborative approach which celebrates achievement:
Kay Schlesinger has worked in numerous educational sectors, including a position as a Deputy Principal where she took responsibility for the professional Development of educators and supported new leaders in the sector. In the last 20 years Kay has worked in VET, Higher Education and as an Educational Consultant.
Kay has received awards for Teaching and Adult learning in the VET sector. She has continually demonstrated innovative approaches to teaching a diverse range of students. This was exemplified in 2018 when she presented at the AVETRA conference around Interactive Teaching and Learning Strategies.
In 2020 Kay was awarded an International Specialised Skills Institute fellowship by the Department of Education and Training for her work with new teachers. Kay is currently mentoring organisations around empowering new educators for organisational improvement.
Kay has also designed programs around Industry mentoring and was one of the keynote speakers at the 2021 VDC Annual Conference where she addressed: 10 Ways to Empower New Teachers for Success. A pathway for organisational success. Kay has also been a speaker at TAFE Director’s Australia and spoke at TAFE Queensland/ Holmesglen annual conferences. Kay is currently working with The Department of Education in a consulting role.
Developing the capability of educators has been Kay’s passion for many years. She is focussed on partnering with educators to create interesting, interactive learning experiences.
The presentation will showcase the collaborative research work between VETASSESS and its international partner, the Chinese Testing, Inspection and Certification Education Association (CTICEA) on qualification mapping involving selected Chinese and Australian qualifications.
Several process-based activities were carried out to gather and validate information. The information gathered served as the basis for the creation of a mapping document that compared the qualifications in relation to parameters such as course quality assurance, student entry and teacher trainer requirements, list of modules/subjects, program structure, and learning and occupational outcomes for graduates.
From the comparison, the Chinese qualifications revealed some gaps in practical learning and teacher competency requirements which should be addressed to bring them up to the Australian standard.
So, what were the gaps? And what recommendations were made to address these?
This session will explore a process-based framework was developed for mapping the Chinese qualifications against the Australian standard, one that can be used to compare other Chinese and Australian qualifications in similar fields of study and graduate outcomes.
Bernard has obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Victoria University Melbourne under the Australian Leadership Awards program. Bernard has previously worked in the construction and manufacturing industries and has also taught in some of the top learning Institutions in the Philippines.
His most recent research work focused on evaluating selected Chinese vocational qualifications against the Australian standard. The research identified some gaps needed to be addressed by the Chinese institutions for their courses to meet the Australian standard.
This session is designed to support trainers, curriculum developers and compliance managers by providing guidance on how to avoid the pitfalls of insufficient, invalid assessment, overassessment and poor assessment.
Rather than arguing over too many tickboxes, unclear instructions and poor quality comments about context, we will focus on some simple techniques that we have designed and applied across more than 100 units and a dozen training packages that make assessment simple, contextualised and compliant.
Join me for a range of really practical tips and examples including some live assessment design examples.
Lauren is the Director of Aniwaya Education Services, who provide highly contextualised assessment tools for RTOs, schools and higher education providers.
Over the last ten years, Lauren has worked in a range of roles including as a teacher, trainer, administrator and a range of senior management roles relating to compliance, quality, operation and business development.
Bringing her unique perspective to the conference based on her experience in recent audits, Lauren is passionate about helping individuals and organisations find practical and actionable ways to improve the quality of VET through developing quality VET practitioners.
Intention - Understanding how self-assurance promotes compliance. The session will unpack self-assurance and provide examples of how a simple model of self-assurance can be developed that integrates all systems and practices into a singular framework of quality systems leading to compliant outcomes.
The session will:
I am the Director of ConsultNOW, a RTO consultancy service that champions support for the VET industry in Queensland. My vision is to ensure every RTO is supported in its endeavour to establish, develop and maintain quality training/assessment management systems with 100% compliance outcomes.
Having worked as a Senior Regulatory Auditor with the Queensland Department of Education and Training in the past, I have had the opportunity to audit RTO's across a wide range of industries and know the pulse of this industry and the compliance issues it is plagued with. This role reversal enables me to work with RTO's and help bridge this gap between regulatory bodies and the VET sector.
At ConsultNOW, we specialise in helping RTOs interpret the requirements of User Choice, Certificate 3 Guarantee and the Standards for RTOs 2015. We will help you establish and maintain:
My extensive background in the VET industry, predominantly through my years of experience with the Queensland Department of Education and Training, has shaped me into a proficient VET industry expert. My subject matter expertise ranges in all aspects of:
As more and more learners demand more and more online content, and as technology evolves, it’s important that we draw on current, proven strategies to meet learner needs.
Yes, there’s lots of tech available to us, but what tech do learners actually value? And what technology-enhanced strategies should we be implementing to deliver a great learning experience in online and blended settings?
During this incredibly informative, highly interactive session, you’ll learn a range of practical insights that are relevant for all VET educators. Every element in this session is research-driven and includes enough variety so there’s something for everyone.
Deniese is known as the go-to source for exceptional online teaching strategies that really are effective. Every research-driven strategy presented by Deniese has been extensively trialled, refined, and proven to work in a variety of VET settings by diverse educators and learners.
With extensive hands-on experience of her own in the online space, a Masters in online learning and a PhD in online VET, Deniese is ideally placed to help all educators and teams cut through the noise around teaching online.
Her ongoing research is what enables Deniese to continuously bring you the latest insights, and her commitment to developing practical strategies is what makes her sessions really stand out. Consistently one of our most highly rated speakers, you don’t want to miss her presentations!S/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health & Safety)
The intention of the presentation is to inform the audience about about the importance of Cyber Security Governance Principles and their impact and implications for RTOs beyond simple compliance.
As the Hon Clare O’Neil MP Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security has pointed out since the first cyber security breach with Optus, and then soon after Medibank pointed out: “Directors have a critical role to play and must seek to lift their own cyber literacy levels, recognising that this is a key risk that can never be eliminated but can be effectively managed.”
The purpose of the session, is to have the audience walk away with an understanding of their responsibilities and some very specific strategies they can implement in their business to reduce their risk threats and improve their business continuity.
The PAVLOV GROUP - Behavioural conditioning of Your business is focused on developing integrated and sustainable systems, process, people, performance, product service, and strategy, in a knowledge economy. She has worked in multiple sector industries including but not limited to multi-nationals in Aviation, Automotive, Construction, Defence, and Information Technology, at Federal and State Govt. She is an education strategist who works across the L&D, VET and HE sectors.
Undertaking her Master’s in eLearning is also an Academic Board Member of the Higher education Leadership Institute, representing the voice of the student. Nancy continues to make waves with her trademark engaging yet straightforward approach to developing lateral solutions where her clients feel a sense of ownership of the changes implemented because she makes the complicated and complex simple.
She is passionate about enterprise risk management and is disrupting cybersecurity education globally because cyber security is everyone’s responsibility.
How can we successfully train the up-and-coming generations in nowadays’ ever-changing world, providing them the feelings of belonging, inclusion, purpose and collaboration they desire?
Drawing on the VUCA model, multi-award-winning coach, consultant and trainer Marianne Bateup will guide you on how building trusting environments and relationships will help you transforming your students' experiences.
The Trust Equation will be explored with Marianne honing in on its components as well as aspects of EQ and We-Q, enabling the environment in which your students can thrive.
With the key focus on training and engaging school students (Marianne has experiences working with school students as mentor with the Young Leaders of Change Program), this session will explore how feelings of belonging, inclusion, purpose and collaboration can be maximised, leading to better outcomes for your school students, and increasing the value placed on the VET sector.
The session will include practical activities, where you can share your thoughts and experiences with other attendees and learn from one another, as well as action item setting for self, in addition to the content.
Marianne is the Founder and Director of coaching, consulting and training practice Abilitise. She is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a TAE Diploma Certified Trainer, and a TDD Diploma Certified Instructional Designer. She has been a winner in CEO Today Magazine’s Executive Coaching Awards for Australasia for 2022, was ranked third in Influence Digest's list of the top 20 coaches in Sydney for 2021, and has been published in Coaching World. For 2022 her practice Abilitise has been awarded Leadership Coaching Firm of the Year for Australia and Best Leadership Development Training Provider for NSW.
Marianne has demonstrated success in supporting individuals, teams and businesses to recognise their potential, expand their capabilities and achieve personal and organisational excellence. With 25+ years across five continents, she has broad experience in a range of sectors. Marianne is skilled in executive, leadership, business, intercultural, career, life and wellness coaching, and facilitates workshops, strategic planning days and accredited courses. Marianne’s passion lays in supporting individuals, teams and businesses to achieve their goals, clarity on next steps and tangible, material outcomes.
Marianne has an Executive MBA, a Master of Asian Studies and various qualifications in coaching, training, business and project management.
Join us as we explore the power of digital credentials and their potential to transform the educational landscape. Our speakers, representatives from Learning Vault and Year 13, will guide us through their innovative partnership, which is revolutionising the way students recognise and share their achievements in helping to train the nation.
Through their partnership, Learning Vault and Year 13 are addressing global issues and trends towards the need for a digital Learner Profile that allows students to recognise their achievements holistically and share them with talent pools, education providers, future employers, and more. By leveraging digital credentials, this profile provides a verifiable, tamper-proof means of recognising the attainment of skills and knowledge, both in and outside of the classroom.
In this session, our speakers will explore the practical applications of digital credentials and their potential to enhance the educational experience. With real-world examples and case studies, they will demonstrate how this innovative approach is transforming the way we recognize and reward achievement. Whether you are an educator, administrator, or student, this presentation offers valuable insights into the future of education and the role of digital credentials in shaping it.
About Harry:
Harry Dimitroff is the Head of Product at Year13 (Australia’s largest digital platform for Gen Z). He began his career at Canon Finance Australia as a Financial Operations Manager in 2015. In 2017, he Co-Founded The Bean Index.
Since 2019, he has been employed at Year13 and he holds a Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing and Management from the University of Technology Sydney.
About Nicholas:
Nicholas is a co-founder of Learning Vault and loves leveraging technology and education to help build the workforce of the future.
He believes learning is a life long process, and Learning Vault was designed to enable educational experiences consistently throughout a persons lifetime. From digitally credential achievements, down to assisting in the design of educational products.
Bringing together two powerhouse, expert presenters, this is not a session to be missed!
There’s a good reason digital literacy is a hot topic right now – we’re all seeing it affect learner experiences, outcomes, and future opportunities. Let’s face it, digital literacy also affects educator workload!
During this essential session, you’ll hear insights that are absolutely critical for all providers. We’ll unpack key insights from current research (supported by the Digital Skills Organisation). Importantly, you’ll also get to hear the voice of learners and educators who have navigated these waters.
This session will help make sense of contemporary digital literacy issues and tools, and we’ll provide recommendations for how you can utilise these insights within your own context.
About Deniese:
Deniese is known as the go-to source for exceptional online teaching strategies that really are effective. Every research-driven strategy presented by Deniese has been extensively trialled, refined, and proven to work in a variety of VET settings by diverse educators and learners.
With extensive hands-on experience of her own in the online space, a Masters in online learning and a PhD in online VET, Deniese is ideally placed to help all educators and teams cut through the noise around teaching online.
Her ongoing research is what enables Deniese to continuously bring you the latest insights, and her commitment to developing practical strategies is what makes her sessions really stand out. Consistently one of our most highly rated speakers, you don’t want to miss her presentations!
About Chemène:
Chemène is a freelance learning and performance specialist who helps individuals and organisations design, develop and deliver learning and assessment experiences that lead to improved performance.
She has worked in the VET sector since 2000 and specialises in TAE qualifications. In recent years she has focussed her own professional development on foundation skills and is the administrator of the LLN and VET Meeting Place website. Chemène is a regular speaker at conferences and special events.
This session includes 16 activities new to the National VET Conference!
Participants will have an opportunity to be involved with a selection of these and invited to consider variations for their own training practice.
Involvement and interaction are at the heart of effective training. When the learning is participant-centred, students retain more and are more likely to enjoy their learning experience. This session focuses on how to integrate participant-centred learning using C.O.R.E. (Closers, Openers, Revisiters, Energisers).
It will demonstrate how to add impact to your training with applicable openers and closers, support the revisiting of content in new and fresh ways and will outline how to engage your participants with fast, yet effective energisers. A range of additional support materials will also be provided to assist in putting C.O.R.E. into practice.
Key Outcomes:
Jason has more than 15 years of training and assessment experience, gained predominantly in corporate environments. He has specialised in delivering training in sales, coaching, business communication and management and has received international acclaim for his work in Learning and Development. Jason was the winner of the Platinum Award for “Best Young Learning Leader” at the 2011 LearnX Asia-Pacific Awards and was named a young trainer to watch by US Training Magazine in 2012.
Jason is a two-time MRWED Trainer of the year and is one of only three trainers in Australia certified to deliver Bob Pike’s Train-the-Trainer Boot Camp, the world’s most well-respected trainer training program. A strong advocate for the participant-centred approach to training, Jason has spoken on the topic of Creative Training Techniques at conferences all over Australia and at multiple events in the United States.
Can Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology replace the role of educators?
Over many decades the apparent shortage of instructional designers in education has been well documented and reported on. With the needs of industry changing and technology advancing at a pace faster than ever before, it is becoming increasingly more difficult and challenging for educational institutes and educators themselves to keep up with the pace and rate of change and technological advancements.
This interactive session will be led by Matthew Dale, the co-founder of Educonomy, with the support of the team from Educonomy. This session will explore the challenges being faced by educational institutes and educators in relation to instructional design, and will seek to answer the following two questions:
The hands on session will be delivered in an interactive style, which is activity-based and participant-led, providing participants with the opportunity to design a short training program and to create engaging digital learning content using a range of emerging content creation tools and platforms.
We will begin with a brief introduction to the principles for designing an engaging training program, before moving on to explore and use a range of design tools and platforms available for creating digital learning content.
During the session, Matthew and the team from Educonomy will work with delegatesto select a topic for a short training program. Together, we will define the key learning objectives, the target audience, and the most effective delivery methods for the program. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and to contribute their thoughts and ideas throughout the workshop.
We will also explore a range of Artificial Intelegence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) tools, and a range of design tools and platforms to create digital learning content.
Participants will then break off into smaller working groups to create the digital learning content and interactive learning experiences that will engage and motivate learners. Matthew and the team of supporting facilitators will lead the smaller working groups through the content creation process, designing the course elements and digital content. The session attendees will then come back together to pull the digital learning content that they have created together into an online course.
By the end of the session, participants will have a deeper understanding of how to design a short training program and create engaging digital learning content. They will have had the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge and skills in a hands-on and collaborative way, and they will leave the session feeling confident and inspired.
Matthew Dale has worked in a range of roles across the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector for more than 15 years, initially starting as a hospitality trainer to international students, before building a specialisation and focus in the areas of learning design, quality assurance and compliance.
In 2012, Matthew established Audit Express, which is an award-winning consulting firm that specialises in quality audits and advisory services to the education, workplace health and safety, and the health and aged care sectors. Matthew is also the co-founder of Educonomy, an Australian-based consulting firm with a global reach.
The team at Educonomy helps organisations to navigate their way through the digitisation of education and the complexity of the EdTech space. Educonomy works with industry, large employers, education providers, as well as both state and federal government departments and agencies.
The intention of this Showcase session is to help highlight the importance of understanding neurodistinct (ND) students and to help RTOs learn more about how to support them.
The session will provide ideas to help organisations understand some of the areas where they might be able to improve their support opportunities and how minor changes can help them be a more inclusive learning institution.
Topic to be explored during the session:
Will Wheeler is a proud neurodistinct person with dyslexia and ADHD, who has worked with people and organisations all over the world.
Will is also the Founder of Neurodiversity Academy, which is working hard to create the world’s first adult education college for neurodistinct people.
Will works closely with other community leaders to help promote and encourage organisations to develop neuro-inclusive working environments. This includes areas like recruitment, career progression, leadership, training and education. One of Will’s goals is to help schools and corporate organisations to fill job shortages. Will hopes to provide neurodistinct people with the proper training to fill these jobs and thrive in neuro-inclusive workplaces.
A businessman and elite sportsman, Michael is at the forefront of today’s new generation of inspirational speakers and is one the most in demand and highly respected speakers in Australia. After releasing his first ‘tell all’ autobiography in 2016, he is now a number 1 bestselling author across 6 different countries.
Raw, real and truly life changing, Michael’s story will teach the keys to success, the importance of embracing change and the mindset needed to achieve your goals.
Once you hear him speak, you will have a renewed perspective on life (and you’ll discover that you have little to complain about ever again).
As seen on Sunrise, Studio 10, Daily Edition, Australian Stories, MTV, Fox Sports News to name just a few, Michael Crossland is a businessman, elite Australian representative sportsman, Queens Baton bearer for the Commonwealth Games and one of Australia's most in-demand keynote speakers.
He is a best-selling author across 6 different countries and with his charity work, runs an orphanage and school in Haiti. He will no doubt help shift your mindset, instill perspective but also leave you with powerful tools that will assist in both your personal and profession lives. Highly in demand, Michael has shared the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson & the Dalai Lama, & a recent video of him speaking in Los Angeles been viewed by more than 87 million people.
Technology is used in many industries to streamline the workloads of employees, so why not utilise technology to assist trainers and assessors? How do we do this?
Firstly, we need to improve the baseline digital literacy for trainers and assessors across the board. This will allow for efficiencies to be gained as well as model and support good tech practices with learners, regardless of the industry they are entering. Next, RTOs need to support trainers in exploring how technology can add efficiencies to their daily tasks, allowing them more time to be hands-on with learners.
This session will explore the areas that RTOs can focus on to help streamline the workload of their staff which is more than just moving training online. Come along to be challenged in the way the operations of the RTO can be optimised to empower your trainers and assessors to take charge of their own learning journey with digital literacy.
Digital Literacy Licence (DLL) is the brainchild of Kerri Buttery, who founded the company in 2021 after a rewarding, decades-long career in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.
Kerri's first foray into education saw her delivering VET in Schools (VETiS) programs in Queensland as a qualified secondary school teacher. This evolved into working as an auditor in the VET sector, then as a consultant assisting RTOs in maintaining compliance and delivering quality eLearning solutions
Kerri is also the founder of VETNexus. An Organisation that works alongside education providers to strengthen the relationship between compliance, technology and innovation.
Australian Governments are committed to supporting high-quality training in the VET system. While the quality of training is affected by many variables, registered training organisations (RTOs) have a critical role in ensuring training delivery on the ground is high-quality and meets the diverse range of learner and employer needs. Reforms are currently underway to better support RTOs to achieve this.
These reforms include revising the Standards for RTOs 2015 (the Standards) to ensure they are clear and outcome-focused and developing a Blueprint for the VET Workforce to support, grow and retain a quality VET workforce.
Join Katerina Lawler, Assistant Secretary, VET Quality and Regulation Branch for this must-see session to get an update on the current status of the Quality Reforms.
Join David Garner for this session that will walk through the latest version of the Revised Standards for RTOs that will be being piloted this year.
David Garner is the Principal Consultant at [consult dg] and provides advice, development and research to the VET sector. He has worked in a variety of compliance related roles for over 15 years.
As the General Manager Regulatory Operations for the Australian Skills Quality Authority, David was responsible for implementing ASQA’s regulatory strategy nationally, including monitoring compliance of both training providers, and intending providers, against the VET Quality Framework and Educational Services for Overseas Students Act.
David was also Director, Training Quality, in the Queensland Department of Education and Training.
Prior to joining the Queensland department in 2005, David worked in and managed training providers for many years.
David has been active in sports administration for over 30 years and sat for many years on the board of the Queensland Fitness, Sport and Recreation Skills Alliance.
A trainer who shares, shows a student they care.
In this interactive Showcase session we will unpack some of the key ingredients I have found are required in an engaging training session.
Join me as I share these insights with you through my passion for Indigenous ingredients as an example of what you might be able to do in creating your own engaging sessions.
We will explore:
This session will involve personal stories and some interactive activities involving spices and native ingredients to ensure the audience leaves engaged but, also with additional knowledge of Indigenous cuisine.
I am a chef with over 25 years experience in some of Sydney's and the worlds best restaurants.
In 2006, I embarked upon a career into Hospitality training and assessing and never looked back.
I have worked in a number of different roles over the years including trainer, education manager and most recently, as a member of the William Angliss Institute Education leadership team as the NSW Campus manager.
I still work in the industry and strongly believe in maintaining currency through my own lifelong learning journey, as this benefits our students. Establishing rapport, trust and upmost respect between trainers and students through open communication and creating an engaging learning environment is key.
As with all things in hospitality the most successful dishes involve finding that right mix of ingredients such as engagement, empathy and passion. My session will help you find your key ingredient to help keep your teams and students engaged.
Being an Authentic Leader is essential when training your students and engaging with stakeholders and staff. The more you are comfortable, confident and certain about who you are as a person, the more effectively you will be able to connect, assist and engage with your staff and learners.
Learning outcomes are as follows.
Janelle has trained in VET sector for nearly 11 years delivering TAE products, mostly Cert IV TAE.
She has more than 20 years experience in Personal and Professional development facilitation and coaching and currently also facilitates the 10860NAT Cert III in Personal Empowerment with Blueprint Career Development.
She has extensive public speaking experience and is dedicated to helping people and trainers be more engaging, authentic and dynamic in life and their careers..
Join ASQA for this session which will explore risks to quality and integrity of VET. ASQA uses data and engagement with stakeholders to identify risks to quality and compliance.
ASQA’s sector wide risk priorities are a key focus of ASQA’s regulation and are published to support providers to comply with their obligations and to have mechanisms in place to ensure that they are meeting relevant standards at all times, and not just when they are interacting with the regulator. This is a core part of a provider’s best business practice and is central to maintaining and improving quality VET .
Find out more about sector regulatory risk priorities, what information is available to support you to identify and respond to risk in your services, and ASQA’s expectations of registered training providers.
Claire is the Director of Risk, Assurance and Evaluation at the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
She has over 20 years' experience in the Australian Public Service and in that time has led a variety of regulatory, policy and service delivery teams.
ASQA’s Risk, Assurance and Evaluation team works across ASQA to provide expert advice on risk and assurance matters, enhance ASQA’s evaluation methodologies and support agency compliance with legislative requirement.
Looking for ideas on how to build an automated nurturing and sales system that supports both students and teams? This presentation is an educational and inspiring session that will equip you with the knowledge you need to transform your RTO business.
We'll discuss the challenges RTO business owners face when it comes to growth and the importance of increasing enrolment numbers to solve this problem. By implementing the practical tips and insights shared in this presentation, you'll be able to attract and retain more students while saving time and money. Whether you're a business owner or a marketing manager, this presentation will equip you with the knowledge you need to transform the way you do business.
We will explore:
Tracie is a multi award winning business woman with over 25 years of business experience.
She specialises in media buying, marketing, sales and strategic consulting to RTOs & Education Companies.
As the Founder of Student Convert, Tracie’s advice and campaigns have netted tens of millions of dollars in revenue for her private clients.
This highly practical workshop will rekindle both your passion for teaching and your student’s desire to learn. Recapture your enthusiasm with techniques which will ensure your delivery is motivating, attention-grabbing and enjoyable both for you and your students.
We all learn in different ways and this workshop will ensure that your delivery reaches the widest audience possible. It will give you a large number of skills, tips and strategies to get your subject matter across - be 100% effective and have fun doing it!
Refresh and upgrade your skills and excite your students to learn…and keep on learning….It will stimulate and challenge your thinking about training and provide you with proven techniques that guarantee learning.
If you’re keen to sharpen your skills… to deliver more effective training… to be operating at the leading edge… this is the session you’ve been looking for!
Laurie speaks Nationally and Internationally on how to use current knowledge of ‘how the Brain works’ to maximize the Impact of Training and new Learning.
He is one of Australia’s Master trainers, having built a reputation since 1992 on delivering ‘Skills-based’ Professional Training for Adult educators in how to deliver content so Learners learn and the Learning Sticks.
He brings with him an enormous variety of life and corporate experience, working with groups as varied as Major and small RTOs, The Banking Ombudsman’s Office, Jockeys, H.R. Managers, CEO’s, Railway Gangers, Students, and Nursing Educators, Medical Consultants and Registrars from some major Australian Hospitals.
Laurie promises to ‘walk the talk’. No fluff - just practical skills. Expect to experience the principles of Brain-Friendly Training in practice and see how it works for you.
These are the skills of delivery that trainers need, and student so desperately seek.
In a world of constant change that is increasingly being affected by natural disasters, jurisdictional emergency response is more reliant on volunteers than any time in our history. In Australia the various State Emergency Services and Rural Fire Services mostly align their skills acquisition training to units of competency from the Public Safety training package.
In this presentation, we will explore some of the challenges involved in volunteer emergency service training and lead discussions on approaches to resolve them. Whilst this session showcases volunteers, the concepts are relevant to any Enterprise RTO who is looking for ideas on how to keep staff/students engaged.
Key challenges that will be covered include:
Steve is currently responsible for training the ACT Rural Fire Service and ACT State Emergency Service volunteers. A current volunteer with the ACTRFS, Steve has previously held roles with NSW National Parks in operational support and as a management consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. Steve has been engaged with VET training for the last ten years and currently sits on the AFAC Technical Advisory Committee for fire training.
Steve holds a MBA from Monash University, a Bachelors degree in Management and Incident Management qualifications as a planning and operations officer.
Steve has facilitated VET training in units of competency from the public safety and conservation and land management qualifications.
Summary of my PhD(Education) thesis (due for submission in June 2023). Presentation of slides, findings from the research, and time for discussion.
This research focused on the role of the School Career Development Practitioner (SCDP) (Guidance Counsellor, Careers Advisor, Pathways Advisor) to provide career guidance to school students.
When school students are planning their careers, their SCDP provides career guidance to enable the development of agency for the student. The academic literature and government policy have identified current and future skills shortages, and the requirement for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers have been identified as a priority. Undertaking trade qualifications in the vocational education and training (VET) sector is also a priority for students pursuing STEM careers where there is a skills shortage (Smith, 2022).
The research participants’ (SCDP’s) own career adaptability was investigated to determine how the SCDP is equipped to provide career guidance, to investigate how their role can address the STEM career shortage. Australian SCDPs were recruited to participate in a survey to determine how their career adaptability influences the career guidance provided, and to support this quantitative data, interviews were conducted (n=9) to allow the SCDPs to provide a narrative for developing their personal career. In this convergent parallel mixed methods study, qualitative data was collected, determining the requirements for a SCDP position, and how their career adaptability influences the provision of career guidance.
By focusing on the School Career Development Practitioner, their postgraduate training in Career Education and Development provides an employability-focused education to the students. SCDPs have a requirement to maintain their vocational currency and competency through maintaining contemporary labour market information, for example. By maintaining a current knowledge of the labour market, SCDPs provide targeted career guidance to students pursuing STEM careers through a VET pathway. The SCDPs’ links with industry provide for work-integrated learning for school students, and the identification of available non-educational supports.
Melanie started her PhD(Ed) in January 2020, having completed a Master of Education (Career Development) in 2019. Melanie undertakes research to determine the career influences of students pursuing STEM careers and is currently researching the career guidance given by school Career Development Practitioners.
Melanie is a qualified and registered Career Development Practitioner and Trainer/Assessor. Melanie has over 20 years’ experience in the VET sector, from being an Office Administration and First Aid trainer, to managing Registered Training Organisations.
The future we once read about is here, and with it an exciting world of emerging technologies. From the Metaverse to Cryptocurrency, Digital Credentials, NFTs, AI-driven talent pools, and ChatGPT, these trends have the potential to transform education. However, before diving into the specifics of these new technologies, it is important to establish their fundamentals and understand the problems they are designed to solve, in simple terms.
In this session, we will explore the basics of emerging technologies and their potential impact on education. We will examine how these technologies are already being used in the classroom today, evaluating their effectiveness and exploring how they can be optimised to meet the needs of students, educators, and institutions. With a focus on practical applications, we will delve into case studies, use-cases, and best practices.
Toby will guide you through the fascinating world of these emerging technologies, providing insights into how they can be leveraged to enhance the educational experience. Whether you are an educator, administrator, or student, this session offers valuable insights into the future of education and the tools that will shape it.
Toby Jones is a leading education technologist with a focus on emerging technologies and their potential impact on education. As Director of Strategic Partnerships at Learning Vault, Australia's first digital badging agency, Toby is at the forefront of the digitisation of learning. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role, working with educators and institutions to leverage emerging technologies.
Toby is a passionate advocate for this sector and enjoys exploring the fundamentals of these emerging technologies and their potential to transform the educational landscape. With a focus on practical applications and real-world examples, Toby provides a unique perspective on the future of education and the tools that will shape it.
With the explosive rise of AI and Chat GPT, trainers and educators around the world are working out how to include or exclude this new tool in the classroom; ignoring the technology is not the answer.
In this session, we will explore the capabilities, issues and challenges that Chat GPT and other AI technologies (such as voice and image simulators) present. Additionally, we will explore some good practices for introducing the technologies to classrooms, how to design assessment to mitigate risk and how to teach students how to use and not abuse the tools.
Lauren is the Director of Aniwaya Education Services, who provide highly contextualised assessment tools for RTOs, schools and higher education providers.
Over the last ten years, Lauren has worked in a range of roles including as a teacher, trainer, administrator and a range of senior management roles relating to compliance, quality, operation and business development.
Bringing her unique perspective to the conference based on her experience in recent audits, Lauren is passionate about helping individuals and organisations find practical and actionable ways to improve the quality of VET through developing quality VET practitioners.
All units of competency require the practical application of skills, and the observation of performance is foundational in terms of how competency is assessed.
Despite the observation of performance being fundamental to VET assessment, often observation assessments are deemed not compliant at audit because there is insufficient evidence recorded by the assessor to provide valid evidence of the learner’s performance.
This session will:
The content of this session is relevant to both simulated and workplace observations and is focussed on documentation of observation assessment. The presenter has identified this session as suitable for both new and experienced assessors who are seeking to develop and improve assessment practice. It would also be useful for validators and assessment designers to help ensure assessment tools are designed and reviewed in a way that supports compliant evidence collection.
Coleen is the Managing Director of Raspberry Training and Consulting.
She has 20 years of experience in the VET sector having owned and managed various RTOs, and she is an experienced instructional designer and VET professional.
She is passionate about quality vocational education and the delivery of best practice competency assessment.
This session will share some early practical and theoretical findings from doctoral research aimed at advancing STEM education pathways in VET Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing) through curriculum co-design for Victorian secondary students.
Acknowledging Australia's significant STEM industry workforce demand and related educational policy imperatives, this presentation will engage the audience with provocations as to why STEM education and study/career pathways may not yet have been readily taken up by TAFE Institutes in Victoria (or Australia’s) VET sector.
The presentation will highlight gaps, provide some prospective solutions and seek feedback from audience members with similar interests in beneficially transforming the youth study pathway from school into post-secondary VET careers in STEM industries.
Ben Jenkinson is an experienced education leader with a career spanning over 20 years in some of Victoria’s most innovative and high-performing educational organisations, including K-12 Schools, TAFE and the STEM-based, Victorian Tech Schools.
A senior education executive in Victorian TAFE, Ben is passionate about improving the post-secondary study and career pathway opportunities for youth across Victoria, particularly in STEM fields.
With extensive experience in curriculum design and STEM education, Ben’s Doctoral research with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) investigates the co-design of thematic STEM pathway curriculum prototypes to engage secondary students in the field of VET Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing) at TAFE.
This session will focus on the following question: What lessons may be learned from the way the military applies the principles of VET when introducing new or enhanced equipment or systems?
Each year the government invests hundreds of millions of dollars in acquiring and maintaining equipment, tools and systems aimed at achieving one simple effect: The defence of this nation. But doing so means adopting a new and continually evolving approach to the way in which individuals and groups are trained to employ these capabilities to achieve this effect.
During this session participants will gain insights into and examples of how Defence capability groups design, structure and apply training that achieves outcomes critical to the defence of this country. Such an approach is often referred to as capability-based training and it can be applied in any organisation seeking greater return on investment for each dollar spent on developing their staff.
This presentation will showcase capability-based training as an approach to VET which goes beyond what has traditionally been applied over the past two decades and offers an alternative approach which builds on what participants already know but may have been unsure of how to apply to its best effects.
They will also learn how they may adopt these processes to their own needs. Using examples of where these processes have been so successful, participants will be challenged to reflect on their pre-conceptions of VET as an approach suited only to the gaining of qualifications.
Phil Rutherford has had a dual career, spanning over 50 years with the military (regular and reserves) while at the same time building a civilian career in vocational education and training.
In between periods on full-time military service he worked in both the public and private sectors at every level of training, from trainer to training manager, manager of training establishments, to university lecturer.
He has presented papers at national and international conferences on best-practice VET training and assessment. He began his military career in communications and served on a number of overseas postings. As a reservist, he concluded his career researching and providing advice to the CDF and relevant Ministers and the Governor General on matters concerning honours and awards.
His greatest successes have included leading the creation of some of the world's largest VET systems while at the same time reforming training across the Australian Defence Forces.
He is currently advising government and managing training that supports the introduction into service of a number of critical Defence capabilities.
This hands-on session led by Kevin Ekendahl, Principal Lead Auditor at Audit Express, will look at how to conduct an audit for your RTO and give an insight into what auditors are looking for in an audit.
Learning outcomes:
This will be a very hands-on session with participants undertaking an audit of a fictitious RTO. So bring your laptop! Participants will be provided with a range of case studies and examples of policies, procedures, assessment instruments and trainer files and will be required to audit and report on their findings.
Kevin is the Chief Executive Officer and Principal Lead Auditor at Audit Express.
He has extensive experience working in senior management positions across the training and education sector and as a board member on health regulation and community organisations.
Having built and managed a registered training organisation, Kevin understands the importance of ensuring there is the right balance between growth and compliance.
How we as Leaders have learned to lead has truly changed over the years, against the backdrop of the last two decades where autocratic leadership was often the norm, businesses enjoyed operating in a relatively stable world where change ensued at a much slower pace. Fast forward to the present, and we are now living in a post-pandemic world driven by unprecedented levels of technological and commercial disruption all whilst delivering Zoom meetings from the comfort of our own homes with our PJ bottoms on and a pressed blazer.
With change a constant, leaders must simply be attuned to a lesson of Leadership that as a singular has continued to stand the test of time: “To be an effective leader, one must be willing to adapt and evolve to the demands of an ever-changing world; The ability to embrace change and transform oneself is simply a non-negotiable in order to achieve ongoing success that will keep us relevant for years to come.”
To take you on this journey of Leadership Metamorphosis, The Maven Effect’s CEO and Founder Jason Blinman shall be your guide to transformation. Jason is an Executive Coach and Leadership Master who will take you on a spell binding journey in delivering on “walking the talk” of the modern day Leader by addressing some of the biggest inner-self challenges identified from business Leaders through The Maven Effect’s 3744 hours of Leadership Coaching from 2022. Jason will be sharing captivating business stories and profit driving strategies that will further your transformational development in:
Put simply, in order to Transform the Nation as an Industry, we too must be willing to transform ourselves into leaders who can navigate the new world of business with confidence and inspire our teams to do the same.
Are you ready to take the challenge?
Jason Blinman is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Founder of The Maven Effect, but more recently, feedback has founded him to be classified as “A Unicorn; a majestic creature to behold both personally and professionally yet amazing to watch in action due to our limited comprehension of its magical abilities”.
Jason has held Senior, Executive and Board roles in RTO’s, Corporate L&D, Human Resources and Operations arenas.
Before opening The Maven Effect, Jason held the role of Operations Manager of a prominent club in Sydney Australia. Combining exceptional strategy building techniques with “out of this world” people skills, Jason lead the company to boost its profit growth by $15 million in one financial year.
Jason is a highly regarded Leader of industry, who brings a wealth of experience to each interaction, working with and learning from some of the World’s most recognised and loved brands such as The Disney Institute and McDonald’s Australia’s RTO. Jason's Vision - "I want to change the hearts of Leaders everywhere".
Bringing this phenomenally popular webinar session to the #2023NVC!
What’s more important when presenting your specialist topic – the depth of your technical knowledge and skill or how you communicate that information?
The answer is both. Naturally, you need a balance between technical knowledge in the subject matter as well as an ability to communicate that information effectively.
But how your technical expertise is perceived, is strongly influenced by how you communicate. In short, if you can’t communicate effectively, your (perceived) technical expertise is diminished. You can be the greatest technical expert in the world, but unless you communicate in a way that engages your audience, your technical expertise will be overlooked.
In this session, Tony will explore the communication behaviours that great trainers, presenters and facilitators use to engage, inspire and even entertain their audience.We will delve into the small behavioural changes that you can make to your presentation style that will make a BIG difference and make you stand out from the crowd. Simply knowing and applying the right techniques can dramatically change your communication style and see you regarded as one of the top 20% of trainers, presenters and facilitators in your industry.
In his typical interactive style, Tony will share with you some of the successful techniques he has picked up, applies and has continued to refine over the past 15 years as a presenter, trainer and facilitator.This session is for both beginner and experienced presenters, trainers and facilitators looking to improve their communication skills well beyond that of the average presenter. It extends and goes beyond the typical content taught in the Certificate 4 and both Diplomas from the Training and Education Training Package.
You will leave with specific behaviours that require only self-awareness and deliberate practise to integrate into your presentation style.
Tony Kirton is an instructional designer and learning facilitator with more than a decade’s experience in learning and development.
Known for his engaging and evidence-based approach to workplace learning, Tony facilitates training with several of Australia’s leading training providers including speaking at various conferences around Australia.
Tony’s extensive experience in the application of learning design theory includes the design of hundreds of training programs and more than one thousand assessment resources from nearly 30 different qualifications.
When you hear the word simulation, do you picture a classroom role play or a cockpit with lots of controls? Do you ever wonder, how on earth you can incorporate a simulation into your training?
This session will take you through a sushi train of the different types of simulations you can use for training and assessment.
These will include, the definition of a simulation, when it is required and how to select the right simulation for the desired outcome. We will explore the challenges to overcome when designing simulations, including their limitations, how to resource them and how to use the correct terminology and framing to ensure an authentic experience.
During the session, we will workshop the development process with an example for participants to plan and develop, identifying when to use simulations, which type to use, how to frame them and how to identify and address the details required.
About Sarah:
Sarah is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Pop Education. Since 2005, she developed VET resources in the online and blended space. Sarah has developed assessments for over 300 unique units of competency and began her assessment career developing assessments for 12 months under the guidance of an ASQA auditor.
Sarah’s previous background in e-learning has allowed her to combine her skills to be a thought leader in the niche space of online assessment, in particular simulations, and has designed models for validating online assessments and assessment methodology. She is highly regarded in the sector for her management of large projects and her personable approach to client needs, and delivers high quality materials and training, leading her team by example. With a Bachelor of Adult Learning and Development, coupled with a Diploma of e-learning and qualifications in Auditing and Project Management, Sarah knows all facets of resource development.
About Melissa:
Melissa is a Director at Pop Education, joining the team in 2017. She brings 15 years’ experience in the VET sector across a wide range of roles and training organisations both in the public and private sectors. Melissa’s career has seen her become a leading assessment specialist. With the past seven years specifically working in roles providing assessment specialist services in assessment development, assessment validation and training and mentoring.
In particular, Melissa specialises in developing assessments for the digital space, and writing detailed simulations for a range of simulation types, including class-based role plays, animated decision trees, and project based simulation work place activities.
With Australia experiencing fundamental skill shortages in recent years, the requirement for schools to educate students with the skills and knowledge required, not only by industry, but also by their own students, have never been more prominent. With a range of flexible delivery and assessment opportunities that reflect the learning needs, personal growth, self-awareness and transferable skills of individual students, vocational education and training (VET) ultimately improves chances for student success both at school and beyond.
Over the years many schools have taken the bull by the horns and become Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in their own right. However, many schools, for whatever reason, see vocational education as something best delivered by external providers. Whilst handing our students and their learning outcomes over to organisations who we feel are better placed to provide this service, as schools we still have a duty of care to uphold and, as such, need to be extra vigilant of the services provided and our understanding of the education our students are engaging in.
This session will focus on the benefits of fostering positive partnerships with those external providers of VET in your school and looks at the arrangements and practices:
This 90-minute session promises to delve into the fundamentals of the relationship between the school, the student and the external provider including the obligations and responsibilities of all parties. Whether you are a school RTO engaging providers to deliver part of your program, or a school who offers VET to its students through an arrangement with an external RTO, this session will be of benefit to you.
Melanie has held a variety of roles within the academic and vocational education sectors over the past 25 years beginning as a schoolteacher and trainer, then progressing through roles such as Advanced Practitioner, Head of Curriculum, Head of Faculty, Head of Quality Assurance and RTO Compliance Manager. Melanie has also won awards for practice excellence in teaching and learning, and outstanding leadership in schools.
In recent years, Melanie worked as a Senior Lead Auditor of Vocational Education and Training (VET), conducting over 500 regulatory audits and registrations against the current VET Quality Framework and Standards for RTOs 2015. She has also developed a range of training, assessment, management and governance tools and resources to support VET practitioners nationally including a number of professional development programs to aid learning through online platforms.
Today Melanie continues her work as an Education Services Advisor of Vocational Education, Skills and Training for VET practitioners in Queensland schools and provides consulting support services to RTOs as a VET Consultant in her own right.
Saxon Rice has extensive experience across the VET and employment services sectors as well as the public policy process. Ms Rice previously held a range of senior government, VET and management positions.
She was Assistant Minister for Technical and Further Education in the former Queensland Government from 2012 to 2015, and Chair of the then Ministerial Industry Commission responsible for industry engagement.
Ms Rice is a former Director of Global Business Development for an Australian employment services company and was responsible for significant growth into new countries in the European and Asian markets.
Ms Rice commenced as a Commissioner of ASQA on 16 April 2018, before being appointed as Chief Commissioner and CEO (initially Acting) on 7 October 2019.
With effect from 1 January 2021, Ms Rice was appointed CEO for a period of five years.